Monday, October 10, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Liberal MPs break ranks over fisheries centre
Sydney Morning Herald
Photo: Four Liberal MPs have broken ranks with the NSW government over moves to shut down a fisheries research centre in southern Sydney. They joined a rally today outside NSW Parliament, where they collected a petition of ...
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For disenchanted liberals, Obama may still be the only choice
The ardor that propelled President Barack Obama to the White House has eroded for some in his liberal base: environmentalists are furious at his decision to scrap clean air regulations; gay activists are disappointed he hasn't embraced gay marriage, ...
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PCs hit hard with anti-foreigner wedge 0
Toronto Sun
Liberals took Hudak's tactic very seriously. We knew that many voters can be drawn into anti-foreigner wedge campaigns. So we were careful to never call Hudak "racist" — and we devoted considerable effort to explaining a policy that few had expected ...
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Abbott prevents conscience vote on same-sex marriage
The Australian
However, influential Liberals have warned Mr Abbott to be prepared for a debate on the issue in his party if Labor MPs are given a conscience vote. "It's Labor's problem for now and we're happy to keep it that way, but some day it's going to be ours," ...
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'Not buying' Will's argument about intentions of liberalism
Danbury News Times
In his usual left-hating diatribe on Oct. 6 he pretended that there is some "Liberal Agenda" to curb individual rights. He makes up statements like, "The project is to dilute the concept of individualism, thereby refuting respect for the individual's ...
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Liberals must reconnect with rural roots, experts say
London Free Press
By London Free Press staff "Liberals have to . . . address obvious dissatisfaction in the rural areas. There's dissatisfaction with the Green Energy Act with people having wind towers imposed on them without . . . consultation. And the school (closing) ...
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Scottish Lib Dem leader attacks bishops for 'imposing' gay marriage views
According to the Scotsman, Mr Rennie said: "What is unacceptable to liberals is the control that some leaders of the Catholic Church are seeking to exert over the people of the Catholic faith. "To threaten to invoke some sort of block vote is an ...
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Bridges That Divide: Liberal Groups Point To Small Infrastructure Issues As ...
Huffington Post
President Obama has pointed to structurally deficient or obsolete bridges as a reason to pass his proposed American Jobs Act. Now labor unions like the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and liberal organizations like the American Dream ...
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A Liberal Makes My Point on Cain & Racism
American Spectator (blog)
By Aaron Goldstein on 10.10.11 @ 10:17PM Let's go straight to Reason #7 - "He Would Make Liberal Charges of Racism Look Really, Really Stupid." It seems that Leslie Savan of The Nation is eager to make that point for me. While she is kind enough to ...
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Health mandate alternative sought by liberals
A group of progressive state lawmakers from across the country is considering what can be done to encourage residents to buy insurance if the federal health reform law's individual mandate is struck down by the Supreme Court. ...
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Blogs1 new result for Liberals
By The Rat (Profile)
OR: 'THEY'RE NOT CALLED LEFT-WING LOONS FOR NOTHING!' "Illogical logic." Sounds about as oxymoronic as it gets, doesn't it? Perhaps if we.

Web1 new result for Liberals
It's the Liberals, Stupid | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center
Whether unmasking crypto-Muslim conspiracies, revealing the secret source of Hitler's power, or scrutinizing the president's past for signs of fraud, the.

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