Saturday, October 22, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News9 new results for U.S. Politics
Illegal immigration heats up U.S. politics
Evansville Courier & Press
The US has joined with Mexico to fight the transnational criminal organizations that have affected both countries. The president said any comprehensive reform should hold businesses accountable for hiring illegal aliens. ...
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Idealism turns us on, but reality bites
Sydney Morning Herald
The West Wing, starring Martin Sheen as the US persident, flatters the political class with its suggestion that everyone involved in politics is well-informed. THERE'S a particularly idiotic moment in the 2003 movie Love Actually when British Prime ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Iraq security unharmed by US pullout
Sky News Australia
US and Iraqi officials assess that while domestic forces are able to handle internal security, they cannot yet defend the country's borders, its air space or its territorial waters. Politics remain deadlocked since an inconclusive March 2010 general ...
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Romney and Obama clash in election battle over Iraq troop pull-out
Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential front-runner, led his party's attacks on Barack Obama after his announcement that all US troops would be brought home from Iraq by the end of the year. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney Photo: AP By ...
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Clinton Says U.S. Commitment to Democratic Iraq Still Strong Despite Troop ...
Fox News
Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address that these foreign policy successes were part of a larger story. "This week, we had two powerful reminders of how we've renewed American leadership in the world," Obama said. "After a decade of war, ...
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Fox News
Hundreds rally outside White House for removal of Iranian opposition group ...
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — Hundreds of people rallied outside the White House on Saturday, calling on President Barack Obama to remove an Iranian opposition group once allied with Saddam Hussein's Iraqi regime from the US list of terrorist organizations. ...
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Occupy SLC joins Dream Team in march against HB497
Salt Lake Tribune
The Dream Team — most of whom are Latino — are part of the "99 percent" of Americans who have no say in US politics, according to Occupy SLC, which set up camp Oct. 6 in Salt Lake City's Pioneer Park in solidarity with a nationwide movement that ...
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Stars & swipes
Sydney Morning Herald
By contrast, US culture and psychology has become reorganised around instant gratification - and thus infantilisation, which is what makes it possible for the US right to replace politics with fantasy. This strange process is one reason why the ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
The politics of emergencies
Suffolk News-Herald
If there's one thing that should never become the object of political maneuvering, it's disaster relief to US communities. At least that was the position Democrats in Congress took recently when Republicans suggested they would only be willing to ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
Obama: Gadhafi, Iraq show renewed US leadership - Politics news
President Barack Obama says the death of Libya's Moammar Gadhafi and the end of the Iraq war are powerful reminders of America's renewed... US

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
Will the end of Gadhafi sway U.S. politics? - CNN
With Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi's dramatic demise this Thursday morning, the world is rid of a tyrant, and a free Libya has jumped a mile forward to ...

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