Friday, November 11, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Study Tying Conservative Views to Personality Disorders Met With Skepticism
Fox News
A new study suggesting conservatives are far more likely to exhibit antisocial personality traits than liberals is drawing skepticism from critics who say the findings are a stretch at best. The paper, by University of Tampa professor Marcus Arvan, ...
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Fox News
Gingrich as the new conservative dreamboat?
Washington Post (blog)
For starters, conservatives looking for ideological purity will be disappointed. Gingrich has supported the individual mandate and cap and trade. He vouched for Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court. At various times, he supported creating the Department ...
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Conservatives plead guilty to violating election rules
Vancouver Sun
By Glen McGregor, Postmedia News November 11, 2011 After four years of denying wrongdoing, the federal Conservative party and its fundraising arm has pleaded guilty to overspending on advertising in the 2006 election and violating electoral law in the ...
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Economy trumps social issues in conservative SC
Houston Chronicle
He had to fight back against conservative Christian rejection of his religious beliefs when he unsuccessfully ran for the White House in 2008 and faces the same struggle in his bid to challenge President Barack Obama in 2012. ...
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Maher: Conservatives take long, inefficient route to government efficiency
Vancouver Sun
When the Conservatives won the 2006 election, Stephen Harper put high-flying Montreal businessman Michael Fortier in the Senate and made him public works minister. Fortier liked the proposed reforms, and in the departmental plan for the 2006-07, ...
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The Problem With Conservatives Isn't Ideology -- It's Lying
Huffington Post (blog)
So it's peculiar that one of the driving forces behind the Tea Party, the arch-conservative Americans for Prosperity (AFP), decided to set up shop in September. While Connecticut does have a wild-ass libertarian streak, it tends to get behind things ...
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Can conservatives learn to love international organizations?
Foreign Policy
And since the UN attracts so much conservative wrath, it's worth examining the specific charges that GOP candidates have explicitly and implicitly leveled against the world body. Here's the beginnings of a typology: The United Nations encourages ...
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Why the Religious Right Can't Seem to Get the Candidate It Wants
TIME (blog)
By Amy Sullivan | @sullivanamy | November 11, 2011 | + Was it just a month ago that religious conservatives were busy trying to stir up concerns about Mormonism and rally evangelicals behind Rick Perry? At the time, it looked like Perry's slide in the ...
See all stories on this topic » Iowans give Romney a second look, despite conservative ... (press release)
This year, social conservatives flirted with Minnesota US Rep. Michele Bachmann, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and, most recently, former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain, who runs neck-and-neck with Romney in many polls. But, they have yet to coalesce around ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
Bad news: New study shows conservatives far more likely to have ...
By Allahpundit
Bad news: New study shows conservatives far more likely to have antisocial personality disorders or something.
Hot Air » Top Picks
Conservatives Plot to Burn, Shred, and Sabotage Scott Walker ...
By Andy Kroll
A group of self-identified conservatives say they plan to sabotage the effort to recall Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker, which begins on Tuesday, by burning and shredding recall petitions they've collected and misleading Wisconsinites about ...
Political Mojo | Mother Jones
Why conservatives should not blindly endorse Mitt Romney as the ...
By kipling (Diary)
Why conservatives should not blindly endorse Mitt Romney as the Republican nominee. 1. Mitt Romney is not a Conservative. He does not deserve the.
kipling's Diary
Blame Conservatives for Ohio's Issue 2 Loss | RedState
By Paula (Diary)
The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in.
GOP 12: Perkins: Conservatives don't trust media on Cain allegations
By Christian Heinze
Perkins: Conservatives don't trust media on Cain allegations. The FRC's Tony Perkins, weighing in on the sexual allegations against Herman Cain. "I think conservatives are hoping that this is not true, and they're believing the best for Herman ...
GOP 12

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