Friday, November 11, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Burlington Democrats court Progressives in mayor's race
An alliance between Burlington's Democratic and Progressive parties seemed unlikely this summer, at the onset of the mayoral campaign season. Now, days before the deciding caucus, the confluence is all but inevitable, say the four Democratic candidates ...
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Progressive Collapse
Thank you, from Alex, Jeffrey, Becky, Alya, Deva, Kimberly, Nat and Marc! by MARC SALOMON After ten years on the record, the San Francisco experiment in progressive in local candidate electoral politics is over. That which began as a mobilizing ...
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Diversified Media Enterprises: New progressive radio show to launch weekdays ...
The People's Mic with Doug Cunningham, produced by Diversified Media Enterprises, is set to join the line-up of WXXM-FM – Madison's Progressive Talk – The Mic 92.1 today, November 14, 2011. The show can be heard locally and streaming weekdays from 5 pm ...
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A progressive dialogue: How young people around the world are re-inventing ...
What can Canadian progressives learn from global youth movements? Below are four key ways forward. Youth-driven autonomous movements across the globe are giving us the space to freely articulate and create new, independent visions. ...
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The way back to sane government and sound public policy in VA
In what has become a congressional victory for the Republican Party of VA in the General Assembly, as Bryce Reeves defeated Democratic Senator Edd Houck, progressives in VA must take a step back and assess where we'll be going from here. ...
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2013: The Saskatchewan NDP's lucky number? (blog)
By Erin Weir To state the obvious, Saskatchewan's provincial election result was not good for progressives. I was especially surprised by the NDP's loss of constituencies like Regina Douglas Park (where I grew up), Moose Jaw Wakamow and Prince Albert ...
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Occupy the GOP!
By Cornelius Brantley, Jr. (about the author) Progressives have a choice to make in 2012. Some progressives live in districts where a progressive candidate needs their support in a primary race in which the progressive faces a tightly contested but ...
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The Fallacy of Keynesian Economics
Canada Free Press
Keynes was all for government control of an economy and the means of production, no wonder the Progressives subscribe to his ideas. Keynes also believed that spending was the driving force of an economy, and that government could influence high ...
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Misunderstanding Racial Justice
New York Times
On the left, many progressives insist that any policies and practices that disadvantage people on the basis of race, sex, age or disability should be illegal, and some have carried this principle to illogical extremes — suing to block ladies' nights ...
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Americans are angry and polarized, but neither Obama nor Romney looks likely ...
President Obama will be supported by progressives and the Democratic base, but without enthusiasm. His notorious caves to Republicans and Wall Street — failing to put conditions on the Street's bailout (such as demanding the Street help stranded home ...
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Web3 new results for Progressives
Burlington Democrats court Progressives in mayor's race ...
An alliance between Burlington's Democratic and Progressive parties seemed unlikely this summer, at the onset of the mayoral campaign season. Now, days ...
JP progressives to legislature: Don't split us up and don't stick us in ...
Jamaica Plain Progressives testify they'd rather see Jamaica Plain in one congressional district, rather than the two proposed by a legislatiive redistricting ...
DPI REPORT PROVES EDUCATION ... - The Young Progressives
The Young Progressives | 333 E Campus Mall #3156 | Madison, WI 53715 | 608- 561-7306. DPI REPORT PROVES EDUCATION CUTS DEVASTATE SCHOOLS ...

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