Monday, November 14, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
Cameron faces revolt on fuel prices
The Press Association
More than 100 MPs of all parties - including 83 Conservatives and five Liberal Democrats - have so far signed the motion which does not represent Government policy. Downing Street would not say whether Tory MPs would be instructed to vote against it. ...
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Greek conservative stance threatens bailout
By Harry Papachristou and Angeliki Koutantou ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece's conservatives vowed on Monday to reject any new austerity measures in return for the aid that is keeping Athens from bankruptcy, signalling a new coalition government may not ...
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Viewpoints: Conservative Legal Path On Health Law; Romney's Plans For Medicare ...
Kaiser Health News
The majority opinion in the 2-to-1 decision was written by Judge Laurence Silberman, a stalwart of conservative jurisprudence whose views are said to be enormously influential in conservative legal circles (11/11). Nonetheless, it has become clear that ...
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Chelsea Clinton Joining NBC News Has Conservative Pundits Talking Bias ...
Hollywood Reporter
NBC News hiring Chelsea Clinton to anchor television news-features was more evidence of media bias, or it's the former first daughter's opportunity to hone her skills before running for office, according to some conservatives who have weighed in on ...
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Hollywood Reporter
Conservatives plead guilty to election scandal
The Phoenix News
By Terence Cheung - News Editor The Conservatives have made a deal with the prosecution to drop the charges against two Tory senators and other Harper administration officials in a court case regarding a 2006 election scandal . ...
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House conservative to supercommittee: no tax hikes
MarketWatch (blog)
A leading House conservative is urging the supercommittee to stay away from tax increases as it nears a critical deadline next week. "After an unprecedented spending binge, apologists for big government once again want to raise taxes to reduce the ...
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An ugly campaign against the CBC
Toronto Star
Conservatives are convinced the network doesn't give them a fair shake (neither did the Liberals in their day). And Quebecor Media Inc., one of the CBC's biggest private competitors, is on a shrill crusade against what it labels the "state broadcaster. ...
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Romney to skip Iowa governor's birthday, social conservative forum
The Hill (blog)
Terry Brandstad's (R) big birthday fundraiser and a major social conservatives event in Iowa this Saturday. Romney's campaign told Branstad's office Monday that he would not be able to attend the birthday event, which is expected to draw around 500 ...
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Merkel says Europe faces toughest challenge since WW2
Nearly 13 years on, many German conservatives are uneasy with taxpayer-funded bailouts of weak euro states, resentful of fiscal backsliding in countries like Greece and concerned the crisis is impinging on the independence of the European Central Bank, ...
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Conservative Group Softens on Immigration
NBC Bay Area (blog)
By Joe Mathews The Lincoln Club of Orange County -- a group of conservative businessmen that has wielded big power in Republican elections -- recently announced it would support more liberal immigration policies, including a program for guest workers ...
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Blogs3 new results for Conservatives
Macro and Other Market Musings: Conservatives for NGDP Targeting
By David Beckworth
However, many of the long-standing "market monetarist" supporters of NGDP targeting such as Scott Sumner and David Beckworth identify themselves as political conservatives. Beckworth recently wrote an article advocating NGDP targeting ...
Macro and Other Market Musings
Must We Conservatives 'Settle'… Again? | RedState
By Nikitas3 (Diary)
There is a question hanging in the air these days over the conservative movement: Must we possibly end up "settling for" a Republican presidential candidate.
RedState » Blog Archive » To Silence Conservatives
By Claudia
While Michele has been onstage at tonight's debate demonstrating strong leadership on foreign policy and national security, we received concrete evidence confirming what every conservative already knows – the liberal mainstream media ...

Web1 new result for Conservatives
Conservatives' mindless opposition - The Washington Post
Conservatives need to contemplate what the Rick Perry and Herman Cain stories say about the state of their movement and the health of their creed. ...

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