Monday, November 14, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Progressive's new pitchman showers money on unsuspecting people as part of new ...
Plain Dealer
By Teresa Dixon Murray, The Plain Dealer Scott ShawThe Messenger is Progressive Corp.'s new insurance pitchman. His specialty is giving away money to strangers who don't suspect what's coming. On Monday, he talked with employees at the company's ...
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Plain Dealer
Progressives Must Start Waging Citywide Campaigns
Beyond Chron
Unlike Tom Ammiano or Matt Gonzalez when they ran for Mayor, John Avalos was the first progressive "standard bearer" to lose District 6 – which should be a serious wake-up call for the Left. Progressives cannot win mayoral elections solely by racking ...
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Beyond Chron
Progressivism, Race, and the Training Wheels of Freedom
National Review Online
The interesting fact that "the high tide of progressive reform coincided with some of the darkest moments of segregation, discrimination, and racial violence," as historian Axel Schafer puts it, would seem to have been just that — mere coincidence. ...
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Progressives always spending, always shortchanged taxpayers
Your Houston News (blog)
What an unexpected shock! The Harris County Sheriff reports that there are about 30000 warrants currently not entered into a crime data base, and that the warrant backlog cannot be reduced unless the sheriff can immediately hire another dozen or more ...
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Agnos Last Citywide Progressive? - Nov 14
Beyond Chron
14‚ 2011 In citing Ross Mirkarimi's victory in the Sheriff's race last week, the Bay Guardian stated, "I think you have to go back to 1987, when Art Agnos ran for mayor as the candidate of the left, to find another example of a progressive champion ...
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Beyond Chron
Mayor Ed Lee's supe pick likely to tilt board toward moderates
San Francisco Examiner
"District 5 is the most progressive district in The City," said political analyst David Latterman. "It's the district that elected Matt Gonzalez." The closer to moderate Lee's pick is, the more difficult it will be for progressives to approve ...
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San Francisco Examiner
The polite treatment of Jon Corzine and the MF Global bankruptcy
Washington Times
A good friend to all the Democrats and progressives that matter. Keith Olbermann will not name Corzine the worst person in the world. Chris Matthews will not slobber, lisp, and spit in faux outrage. Rachel Maddow will not do a comedy skit. ...
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Washington Times
What are the Orthodox afraid of?
Jewish Chronicle
He behaved no differently towards Progressives than the Orthodox establishment in the UK ever has, refusing to share a platform with their rabbinical representatives. As Rabbi Guttentag told the JC: "It is a well-known mode of conduct and policy of ...
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Democratic Caucus stumbles on mayoral tie
Weinberger talked about moving Burlington forward, Lorber said he would lead with compassion, Kranichfeld promised that "Burlington is not for sale," and Ashe, referring to local Democrats and Progressives, said that he is best equipped to "unite these ...
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Blogs1 new result for Progressives : Marin progressives to send message to 'super ...
MoveOnMarin--the local branch of the nationwide progressive group planning its latest demonstration in downtown San Rafael--this time with an eye toward the special congressional committee tasked this month with finding ...

Web1 new result for Progressives
What Can Progressives in Red States Do to Advance the ...
My question for the day is what progressives living in red states can do to advanced the progressive agenda? Given that our states will go Republican in ...

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