Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News8 new results for Conservatives
Fuel Price Rise - Tory MPs Join Calls For Action
More than 80 Conservatives are set to back calls for the Government to take action on soaring petrol prices as Downing Street agrees not to instruct its MPs how to vote. The petrol debate has been triggered by a high-profile campaign against next ...
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PREVIEW: Conservatives headed for landslide in Spanish elections
Monsters and Critics.com
By Sinikka Tarvainen Nov 16, 2011, 2:06 GMT Madrid - When Spanish Conservative leader Mariano Rajoy shakes hands with crowds of supporters in the run-up to the parliamentary elections on Sunday, the triumphant smile of a winner already beams on his ...
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Why Right journos must test conservative candidates
Washington Examiner (blog)
For some demented reason, you are trying to destroy a conservative candidate, be he Cain or Gingrich, or whomever." This sort of email comes in frequently nowadays. So do the angry tweets. That's because it's primary season. ...
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Op-Ed: Conservative Women may hold key to Herman Cain's success
What will now be determined is how much the allegations will affect conservative women's support for Cain in the primaries. Polls out this week show that the back-and-forth over the harassment allegations has begun to put a dent in Cain's support among ...
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Conservatives excoriate NDP for attempting to block CBC probe
Globe and Mail (blog)
The Conservative government has chastised the New Democrats for asking Speaker Andrew Scheer to shut down a Commons committee probe into the CBC's fight to keep internal documents out of the hands of a competitor. Quoting from a ruling by former ...
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Globe and Mail (blog)
Conservatives Must Stop Steam Rolling Canadian Wheat Farmers
OTTAWA— Standing shoulder to shoulder with Canadian Wheat Board farmers today, Liberals demanded that the Conservative government stop steamrolling, and start listening to, western wheat and barley farmers. "By destroying the CWB, this government is ...
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Obama Wrong on 'Lazy' America--As Are Class Warfare Conservatives
U.S. News & World Report (blog)
When conservatives talk this way, they're not just misspeaking; they're revealing a rotten core philosophy. [The welfare state] was a vision crafted in the 20th century by our leaders and though it was well intentioned, it was doomed to fail from the ...
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Ex-Gov. Thompson emerges as top-tier target of conservative grassroots
The Hill (blog)
Tommy Thompson (R) is emerging as a leading target of conservatives. While candidates in other races could still emerge, conservative grassroots groups have failed to find top-tier recruits against centrist Republicans in some other Senate races, ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
British Conservatives Face the Future | FrumForum
By Noah Kristula-Green
Anyone who gets drawn into the attempts to modernize the Republican Party inevitably ends up reading about the experiences of the UK and Canadian.
David Beckworth: "Conservatives for NGDP Targeting?
By J. Bradford DeLong
David Beckworth: "Conservatives for NGDP Targeting? http://macromarketmusings.blogspot.com/2011/11/conservatives-for-ngdp-targeting.html. 09:14 AM in Economics, Economics: Federal Reserve, Economics: Macro | Permalink ...
Brad DeLong: Grasping Reality...
By Chris Quinn
CONSERVATIVES HATE CHRISTMAS TREES. Posted on 11/15/2011 by Chris Quinn. Did media hype kill off a common agricultural marketing strategy called a commodity checkoff program, that was meant to help Christmas tree growers, ...
Clocking In
Conservatives Go After Romney On Question Of Brain-Injured Girl's ...
By Rachel Zimmerman
McClatchy reports on the re-emergence of the case of Haleigh Poutre, a Massachusetts girl who, in 2005, was beaten so severely by adults who were supposed to care for her, she fell into a coma. State officials moved to pull the plug on her ...
Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Before conservatives hail Newt as ...
Before conservatives hail Newt as the GOP's savior, ten things to consider. Before conservatives hail Newt as the GOP's savior, ten things to consider. Posted by WM on Tuesday, November 15, 2011, at 6:00 pm | Like Tweet. « Previous Post ...
Weasel Zippers

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