Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Progressives on the march to take over Congress
Washington Post
Progressives are on the move once more. Wisconsin lit the spark, as workers, students, teachers and farmers occupied the state's capitol in February and launched recall elections that sobered conservative Republican Gov. ...
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Progressive Politics and Diminishing Religious Liberty
The early twentieth-century Progressives largely rejected this view, as they concluded that man must not be limited by "arbitrary" rules such as those imposed by religion. Modern progressives have seized upon this viewpoint, especially in their ...
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Hoyer goes with Schneider in IL-10
Politico (blog)
One of the highest ranking House Democrats is intervening in an Illinois primary, accenting the widening fissure between moderates and progressives in the battle to take back Rep. Robert Dold's seat. House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer is choosing the ...
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Local elections counter national resurgence for Democrats and progressives
Shore News Today
The Republican resurgence in Cape May and Atlantic counties ran counter to a national resurgence of Democratic and progressive forces, especially in Mississippi , Wisconsin and Ohio . Voters who supported Republicans in 2010 have reacted to the ...
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How Mirkarimi Won the Sheriff's Race
Beyond Chron
15‚ 2011 Last week, Supervisor John Avalos became the Left's first mayoral candidate in recent memory to lose District 6 – which should be a wake-up call for progressives as they look ahead to future elections. But on the same ballot, his colleague ...
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Beyond Chron
Peter Maier falls behind challenger Sharon Peaslee in key Seattle school board ...
Northwest Progressive Institute Official Blog (blog)
By submitting a comment using the form below, you acknowledge that you understand and accept the terms of the Northwest Progressive Institute's User Agreement, and you agree to abide by our Commenting Guidelines. Your email is never shared. ...
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Gay Wis. lawmaker hopes to win Baldwin's seat
Washington Blade
Among his priorities, Pocan said, is "fighting the proper fight" for progressives on issues related to jobs and the economy. Having run a specialty printing firm for 23 years, Pocan said companies need access to capital to grow and jump start the ...
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Washington Blade
Who defines what 'middle class' means?
Philadelphia Inquirer
These are two fundamentally different points of view, and we describe them with labels mildly insulting to one group or the other: "progressives" versus "neighborhood people"; "Center City" versus "South Philly"; "yuppies" versus "real Philadelphians;" ...
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Bellevue City Council votes to approve East Link agreement with Sound Transit
Northwest Progressive Institute Official Blog (blog)
Tonight's vote also represents another victory for progressives on the Eastside over Bellevue Collection owner and Tim Eyman benefactor Kemper Freeman, Jr. Freeman, who fiercely opposes East Link, has gone to extreme lengths to block the project. ...
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Web1 new result for Progressives
Progressives Must Start Waging Citywide Campaigns - BeyondChron
Progressives cannot win mayoral elections solely by racking up huge margins in their base precincts (as Avalos did in Districts 5, 8 and 9) – while other ...

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