Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Rick Perry, conservative hero no longer
Washington Post (blog)
Rick Perry entered the Republican presidential race in mid-August, he was touted as the candidate conservatives had been waiting for — the antidote to the more country club sort of appeal of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. No longer. ...
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Conservatives rally to McFaul's defense
Foreign Policy
McFaul, who is a key architect of the Obama "reset" policy with Russia that many conservatives dislike, also has a long track record of advocating for democracy and human rights and is well positioned to press those issues in Moscow, ...
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Foreign Policy
Rajoy's Conservatives Appear Headed for Victory in Spain's Sunday Elections
Voice of America (blog)
Spanish voters head to the polls Sunday, with all indications pointing to a win for Mariano Rajoy's conservative Popular Party after nearly eight years of Socialist rule led by Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. The election comes as Spain ...
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Congressional conservatives target welfare overhaul
The Hill (blog)
By Bernie Becker - 11/16/11 04:43 PM ET Congressional conservatives are pushing for welfare reform, 15 years after the system was last successfully overhauled. Sen. Jim DeMint (RS.C.) and the seven other Senate Republican co-sponsors of the welfare ...
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Fla. Conservatives Criticize Romney's Handling of Past Euthanasia Case
Christian Post
By Napp Nazworth | Christian Post Reporter The Shark Tank, a conservative blog devoted to Florida politics, brought attention Monday to an attempted euthanasia case in Massachusetts while presidential candidate Mitt Romney was governor. ...
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Conservative Stalwart Rohrer to Enter Pennsylvania Senate Race
Human Events
A member of the state House Appropriations Committee, Rohrer carved a niche for himself as a tight-fisted conservative and became a hero among fellow conservative activists throughout the Keystone State. When Rohrer sought the gubernatorial nod last ...
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Paid $1.6M to advise Freddie Mac about conservatives
... with Gingrich's work told Bloomberg Gingrich was asked "to build bridges to Capital Hill Republicans and develop an argument on behalf of the company's public-private structure that would resonate with conservatives seeking to dismantle it. ...
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Conservative deficits
Ventura County Star
Conservative governments have bankrupted countries around the globe. In the US under Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the government ran at near break-even. Under the Republican regimes of Reagan-Bush, the deficit tripled, while Reagan cackled ...
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'A-List' Gay Conservative Claims Second Hate Crime
Gay City News
BY DUNCAN OSBORNE The gay conservative who appears on a reality TV show and says he was the victim of two anti-conservative hate crimes in the past six weeks refused the services of the Dallas Police Department's crime scene detectives at the location ...
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Blogs4 new results for Conservatives
Ron Paul Endorsed By Three New Hampshire Conservatives: 22 ...
By Neverquit
It's no surprise that the conservatives who would take on that responsibility want to see the same kind of leadership in Washington. "Unlike his rivals, Ron Paul has a credible economic plan to cut $1 trillion in one year and balance the federal ...
Ron Paul 2012 | Sound Money,...
Black Conservatives: Could Herman Cain Sink Them?
By Madison Gray
If the Tea Party favorite self-destructs, African Americans on the right will pay the price.
Wisconsin Conservatives Plan Real Voter Fraud | Dispatches from ...
By Ed Brayton
We hear constantly about virtually non-existent voter fraud from the right wing -- a transparent excuse for policies that make it more difficult for people,
Freethought Blogs
Conservatives unsure by Romney |
By E. Thomas McClanahan
After last week's debate, some are calling Mitt Romney the "presumptive nominee." Indeed, despite momentary uneasiness when a questioner brought up the personal mandate in his Massachusetts health plan, he held his own — as he has in ...

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