Thursday, November 17, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
Islam in America ... en Español
Huffington Post
Latino paths to Islam are as diverse as Hispanic countries of origin and roots: from the Caribbean, Central and South America or even Spain. The conduits to their new spiritual journeys derive from a variety of life experiences that range from the ...
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Islam's treasures back on display at New York's Met
Masterworks of Islamic art are once again on view at New York's Metropolitan Museum, which just reopened an exhaustive installation following an eight-year renovation. Duration: 00:56.
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'Islam in Europe a reality despite challenges'
The News International
Islam in Europe today is a reality the world would have to contend with despite the immense challenges it faces there. This was the majority opinion among speakers at the two-day seminar, "Islam in Europe", held at a local hotel, under the aegis of the ...
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The News International
'Son of Hamas' holds Islam responsible for Middle East's anguish
Globe and Mail
Then, in 2005, after a chance encounter with a visiting British pilgrim in Jerusalem, Mr. Yousef embarked on an even more heretical course: he abandoned his religion, Islam, and converted to Christianity. He was baptized in 2005. ...
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Globe and Mail
Concern grows in UK, US over Somali-based militants
Reuters UK
In the past, Shabaab had circulated several video messages presented by Omar Hammami, an American from Alabama who converted to Islam, travelled to Somalia and became a prominent spokesman for the group. Hammami's messages included hip-hop chants ...
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"I don't see any sign of an Arab Spring"
He was in Geneva on Wednesday to give his critical take on the recent upheavals in North Africa and the Middle East as described in his new book, "Islam et le réveil arabe" (Islam and the Arab awakening). The intellectual remains cautious over the ...
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Mary Sanchez | Tales of terror don't jibe
Kansas City Star
Middle East and religious scholars have long said many of Saleem's historical references and understanding of militant Islam simply don't add up. So, if he sounds to you like an odd choice for an interfaith event, congratulations! ...
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Libya's Islamists Ransack Mosque Graves in Power Struggle
Belhaj's supporters insist that Islam must be respected, and say that they support democracy. "Belhaj wields power on the streets, but he also feels marginalized by the NTC," Joshi said. "Even if the NTC doesn't control the streets of Tripoli, ...
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Reports confirm jailed leader resisting campaign to make him recant
"He has also reportedly been given materials aimed at discrediting the Bible and affirming Islam. The renunciation of faith is the only ground by which the court hopes to release Pastor Youcef," Clay said. Nadarkhani was sentenced to death after a ...
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Web1 new result for Islam news
IslamOnline, Islamic News, Islamic Finance and Business - Syria ...
DAMASCUS - Syria called Sunday, November 12, for an urgent Arab summit to discuss a deepening political crisis, a day after the Arab League suspended ...

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