Monday, November 21, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives shouldn't kid themselves about Newt
Washington Post (blog)
By Jennifer Rubin Some conservatives seem to have taken leave of their senses and/or developed a bad case of amnesia when it comes to Newt Gingrich. He's credited with "leading the conservative movement for 25 years." (Really? ...
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Mike Huckabee says conservatives may have to get behind Romney
CBS News
Mike Huckabee, who won the Iowa presidential caucus with the backing of social conservatives in 2008, is hinting that it may be time for conservative Republicans to get behind former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's candidacy. ...
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Conservative Rajoy set to lead Spain
A Cabinet minister between 1996 and 2004 under conservative Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, Rajoy twice lost to Socialist Party leader Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, in 2004 and 2008, in his first attempts to become prime minister. ...
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GOP House Conservatives Blame Obama for Super Committee Fail
Human Events
James D. Jordan (R.-Ohio), whose committee is made up of conservative Republican congressmen. But, the reality was business as usual, he said. "Predictably, the tax-and-spend Democrats on the Joint Select Committee fell in line right behind him. ...
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Human Events
Leftists get the boot in Europe amid crisis
CBS News
When times get tough — when "the cows get thin" as the Spanish say — political experts say edgy voters seek comfort with conservatives. "The center-right is the natural preference in times of crisis," said Piotr Kaczynski of the Centre for European ...
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Black Conservatives Reject Jesse Jackson's Comparison of Occupy Wall Street ...
National Center for Public Policy Research
Project 21's black conservatives say the Tea Party movement more closely resembles civil rights-era activism. "Some people don't want to acknowledge this, but Tea Party members express their frustrations with the government and are working for change ...
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Get ready for the Royal Conservative Mounted Police
Vancouver Sun
The two-page document outlines a new, closer relationship between the Mounties and the government, and raises the worrying possibility that the Tories will rebrand the force as the Royal Conservative Mounted Police. The Conservatives are trying to ...
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Gingrich Passes Social Conservative Test in Iowa
Fox News (blog)
AP By Byron York, Washington Examiner Saturday evening's Family Leader forum in Des Moines was widely viewed as a key test for Republican presidential candidates trying to win the support of still-undecided Iowa social conservatives. ...
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Fox News (blog)
Lethbridge MLA Pastoor crosses floor to join Conservatives
Calgary Herald
A former Lethbridge city alderman, she was once a Progressive Conservative supporter and served as the constituency secretary for Tory MLA Dick Johnston, a former provincial treasurer. Pastoor, 71, said she recently began entertaining the notion of ...
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EU Debt Crisis: Conservatives Regain Power In Spain But Markets Not Too ...
eGov monitor
However, the Conservative victory did not do much to inspire market confidence. This morning, the Spanish bond yields inched even closer to the 7% perilous mark. Greece, Ireland and Portugal had to seek EU intervention when their bond yields reached ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
The Absurd Fantasy of Conservatives Embracing Hillary Clinton ...
By Elspeth Reeve
President Obama should declare he won't run for reelection so that the entire country -- left, right, and center -- can rally around the best 2012 Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, two Democratic pollsters argue in the latest op-ed to push the ...
The Atlantic Wire
Spain's Conservatives Win an Absolute Majority in General ...
By Pamela Rolfe
The election clears the way to implement deep austerity measures to attack unemployment and debt.
Conservatives Would Do Well To Lay Off Attacking the Catholic ...
As a Catholic and a conservative, I have been very disappointed to see, over the past weeks, more and more examples of conservatives being unfairly negative toward the Catholic Church. Even more disturbing, these reports are often from ...
Lisa Graas
Spanish Conservatives trounce Socialist party in national elections ...
By Alberto de la Cruz
The results of yesterday's national elections in Spain sent shock waves throughout Europe and the world. The conservative PP party trounced the ruling socialist.
Babalú Blog
US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Conservatives rout Socialists in ...
By Chris in Paris
News and opinion about US politics from a liberal/Democratic/progressive perspective.
US Politics | AMERICAblog News

Web1 new result for Conservatives
Spanish conservatives win general elections - World news - Europe ...
Spain's opposition conservatives swept commandingly into power and into the hot seat Sunday as voters enduring a 21.5 percent jobless rate and stagnant ...

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