Sunday, November 27, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News8 new results for Conservatives
Conservative crime bill heads to Commons for final showdown
National Post
Conservative Crime Bill C-10 will return to the House of Commons this week as opposition leaders seek to get amendments approved. By Tobi Cohen OTTAWA — After failing to get a single amendment to the controversial omnibus crime bill approved during ...
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GOP Conservatives - Not Romney - Are the Real Flip-Floppers
Yet most GOP conservatives, especially the more religious ones, despise Mr. Romney and actively oppose him – and thus bolster Obama's re-election chances. These are the same conservatives who gave us John McCain in 2008 and before that George W. Bush, ...
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Justices Kagan and Thomas in Obamacare crosshairs
Conservatives are demanding liberal Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan sit this one out while liberals request the same of conservative Justice Clarence Thomas. Conflict of interest is the war cry on both sides as both justices refuse to yield to the ...
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Conservative college students battle liberal academia with new website
Daily Caller
By Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller Conservative college students nationwide have banded together to launch a new website aimed at providing a platform for right-of-center students to freely express their political views. The College Conservative aims ...
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Daily Caller
Delighted Conservative leader thinking about 2014
Conservative Party leader Colin Craig is unconcerned that his efforts may have been a factor in the centre-right's thin majority in Parliament. The 55000 party list votes gained by the Conservatives were the fifth best of the election and equate to 2.8 ...
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Union Leader crowns Newt conservative king
Daily Mail - Charleston (blog)
Conservatives across the nation trust the newspaper's judgment. It's not that the endorsement will change their minds, it is that the endorsement will reinforce their decision. Conservatives want the most conservative candidate possible who can still ...
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Conservatives attack Haley for harming state port, aiding another's
South Carolina's Conservatives for Truth in Politics released a new video this week questioning Republican governor Nikki Haley on recent port development. In "Selling Out SC," the group referring to itself as "TIP" says Haley put over 280000 jobs at ...
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Social Conservatives Hold Covert Meeting To Stop Romney (blog)
by Care2 Causes Editors It's no secret that social conservatives are not thrilled about the prospect of Mitt Romney winning the Republican presidential nomination, but what is a secret is the meeting key leaders of the movement in Iowa held this week ...
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Blogs4 new results for Conservatives
Roger's Rules » What happened to the Conservatives? (British edition)
Here's a stocking-stuffer for your politically mature friends and relatives: The Conservatives: A History by Robin Harris, an historian and former Director of the Conservative Research Department. (It was he who in the Thatcher years hired ...
Roger's Rules
Conservatives Can't Be Intentionally Funny | Dispatches from the ...
By Ed Brayton
The complete collapse of Dennis Miller's ability to be funny over the last few years should convince everyone that, with rare exceptions, conservative just.
Dispatches from the Culture Wars
Fiscal conservatives want it both ways - Western Progressive
By toddamus
Paul Krugman: Seriously, the notion that denying health care to the near-poor is a serious deficit-reduction policy, but raising taxes on the very rich is not, is not something you can justify at all on the basis of the actual numbers. Anyone who ...
Western Progressive
A plain blog about politics: Sunday Question for Conservatives
By Jonathan Bernstein
Sunday Question for Conservatives. What if anything do you think Barack Obama should be doing about the Eurozone? The GOP presidential candidates appear to be not very interested in discussing the subject; what kind of platform should ...
A plain blog about politics

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