Sunday, November 27, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Brainstorming by progressives
Korea Times
Technically, if a progressive government of the left is elected in 2012, it can abrogate the FTA after the first year of its implementation. While the benefit of expanded access to the US market may profit big corporations and some small auto parts ...
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Korea Times
The Pyrrhic 'Victory' (sic) of the Tea Party, Progressives and President Obama
How about the Progressive Liberals...did they 'win' anything due to the lack of any agreement? How about the GOP in the House and President they now look like heroes or chumps in the eyes of the vast majority of the American populace, ...
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Divided moderates will be conquered
Washington Post
It's about ideology — specifically a right-wing ideology that has temporarily taken over the Republican Party and needs to be defeated before we can have a reasonable debate between moderate conservatives and moderate progressives about our country's ...
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Tribune survives, but where now for progressive print media?
Left Foot Forward
While its survival can only be a good thing for the left in Britain and for the pluralism of British political discourse generally, the circumstances surrounding its near-demise highlight a singular set of challenges facing progressive publishers in ...
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Left Foot Forward
ET Awards Agenda for Renewal: CEOs question Jairam, Sibal, Khurshid, ministers ...
Economic Times
I am being attacked by the progressives for opening the doors for industrialisation and urbanisation. So, obviously, something is right with the draft bill as both industry and the NGOs are totally unhappy." The UPA government, now in its eighth year ...
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Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupy and MSM, Part 3
In Part 1, I discussed how the mainstream media, or MSM, billionaire progressives like George Soros, the White House and even the Occupy movement are in cahoots with one another. In Part 2, I discussed the MSM's maneuvering to coronate their choice for ...
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Umeh: Ojukwu remains APGA leader even in death
Daily Sun
The All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has officially announced the demise of its leader Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu. Announcing the death yesterday, the Chairman, Chief Victor Umeh, described Ojukwu's demise as a devastating blow not only to ...
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Examining the 'Occupy Wall Street' Premise: The Evil 1%
Prescott eNews
Roosevelt and the Progressives claimed that corporations (the "Invisible Empire") ruled America – that they controlled government and threatened every aspect of the American dream. As a result, Roosevelt and the Progressives advocated stricter ...
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Class Warfare: Democrats Push 'Millionaires Tax' to Pay for Payroll Tax Break
Big Government
And for these nitwit progressives to say otherwise is simply foolish class warfare propaganda ….. It was the opportinities our Constitution driven small government provided that gave the wealthy the avenue to create yet more wealth and jobs for the ...
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Web1 new result for Progressives
Van Jones Calls Out Progressives Pensito Review
I thought progressives were too quick to go from hopey to mopey. They skipped the fight in the middle…You hear people talking about a disappointment [in ...

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