Saturday, November 5, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News2 new results for "Family Research Council"
Family Research Council Commends Deadbeat Dad On Family Values
Consider: Thursday, the Family Research Council fell all over itself in praise of Congressman Joe Walsh (R., IL) -- "the only Illinois congressman to be named a 'True Blue' member of Congress for 'unwavering support of the family,'" according to The ...
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Rep. Joe Walsh, who owes $100000 in child support, receives 'Pro-Family' Award ...
AMERICAblog (blog)
By Gaius Publius on 11/05/2011 11:55:00 PM Think Progress has the story (there's more in it about the FRC), but as far as Republican "pro-family" deadbeat-dad Joe Walsh is concerned, the headline says it all. Paul Krugman, who's been writing about ...
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Web3 new results for "Family Research Council"
Joe. My. God.: Family Research Council Honors Deadbeat Dad Rep ...
Family Research Council Honors Deadbeat Dad Rep. Joe Walsh As "Pro-Family" . The Family Research Council has named Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) as their "True ...
The Wedding Panner - Family Research Council
The Wedding Panner. If Conan O'Brien thinks hosting a same-sex "wedding" on his show will help its popularity, the joke's on him. To celebrate the funnyman's ...
Walsh Scores 100% on Family Research Council-CitizenLink Ranking
"I am proud and honored to be recognized by the Family Research Council as the only Member from Illinois with a 100 percent pro-family voting record. ...

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