Saturday, November 5, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea party faithful bemoan Romney, hope for Cain victory
Tea party activists said it's too early to crown moderate Mitt Romney as next year's GOP presidential candidate. In this Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011 photo, Aileen Milton and Lynda DeHart slide a life-sized cutout of Uncle Sam in place while setting up for ...
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Minorities Must Participate In Making Our Two-Party System of Government Work ...
Irrespective of what you think of Herman Cain, the current Republican Party with its Tea Pot tempest (the Tea Party), President Obama, and the Democratic Party, each election represents an educational opportunity that can assist in closing the great ...
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Tea Party heckler to Elizabeth Warren: 'You're a socialist whore'
By Jennifer Rees Massachusetts Democrat candidate Elizabeth Warren was talking to people at a small town congregation when a Tea Party heckler appeared and called her a "socialist whore." Reports suggest that Elizabeth Warren, who assisted the 2008 ...
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Sunday Reflection: Occupy Wall Street gets the ink, Tea Party gets the voters
Washington Examiner
But it's the Tea Party movement and its small-government ideology that continues to win elections. Is that a harbinger for 2012? Probably. There's no doubt that the Occupy folks have been getting the lion's share of the ink, and the pixels, ...
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Mitt Romney speaks to Tea Party group on his spending plan
Washington - GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, on Friday, addressed a Tea Party group Americans For Prosperity, at the Defending the American Dream summit in Washington. His speech centered on his plan for a "simpler, smaller and smarter government ...
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Tea Party lives on
Fremont Tribune
The crisis has called into being a political movement of the exasperated middle class, namely the Tea Party. Is it any wonder the Tea Party's aversion to government spending is as pure an expression of rational self-interest as we have seen in American ...
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Tea Party Offers Reward in Ballot Tampering Case
BUFFALO, NY - The coordinator of western New York's largest Tea Party today announced a $5000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction in the Erie County ballot tampering probe. Last month it was revealed about a dozen people received ...
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LETTER: Shapiro responds to Tea Party claims
The Times Herald
By JOSH SHAPIRO The one-sided report filed in the Times Herald concerning Republican Montgomery County Commissioner candidate Jenny Brown's affinity with the Tea Party requires me to respond. The lies and deflections just keep coming from the Brown ...
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Review: Crashing the Tea Party
The Indypendent
There is a third narrative building: OWS is the Tea Party of the left. Before you accept this line, read Crashing the Tea Party by Paul Street and Anthony DiMaggio. The book is a take down of the Tea Party – the authors do not think it qualifies as a ...
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The Indypendent
All this costs money
Colorado Springs Independent (blog)
Amy Mitchell, an organizer with the local county TEA Party, has picked up on a national trend. In an e-mail to the mayor of Colorado Springs, Mitchell argues that the city has shown unfair favor to the Occupy Colorado Springs protesters by charging ...
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Colorado Springs Independent (blog)

Blogs4 new results for "Tea Party"
Fla State Tea Party/Presidential Debate: Thousands Descend on ...
By Pamela Geller
Following the debate will be a straw poll with voting open to thousands of Tea Party activists in attendance from hundreds of Tea Party groups throughout Florida, which is the first large state conducting primary elections. 13 standardized ...
Atlas Shrugs
Occupy DC violent protests at Tea Party event video roundup | The ...
By The Right Scoop
All of this happened right in the nation's capital, Washington DC. There's absolutely no reason for this not to be on a part of every news hour in the 24/7 news cycle. But alas, it's not the Tea Party behaving badly so why would they want to run it ...
The Right Scoop
By desertpeace
For example, the Tea Party's historic references appeal to people who feel that social and political changes in the last few decades have made their country unrecognizable. It unites those who oppose unions and immigration, favor small ...
WakeEd - Common Sense Matters says "the Tea Party is on the ...
By KeungHui
"The Tea Party is on the brink of controlling Wake County public schools; now it all comes down to Tuesday's runoff election," says the mailer. "If Tea Party activist Heather Losurdo wins, so does the Tea Party — because then they will continue ... blogs -- wakeed

Web1 new result for "Tea Party"
Microsoft Funds Koch's Climate-Denying Tea Party Conference ...
Microsoft Funds Koch's Climate-Denying Tea Party Conference | Microsoft Corporation, which argues that climate pollution requires a "comprehensive and ...

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