Sunday, November 6, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News2 new results for "Family Research Council"
Family Research Council gives 'pro-family' honor to 'deadbeat dad'
LGBTQ Nation
By Alvin McEwen Anyone who thinks that the Family Research Council is either a Christian or "pro-family" group obviously has not done their homework on the group. Just last week, the group anointed Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) a pro-family leader — in ...
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LGBTQ Nation
'Values Voter Bus Tour' visits Waukee with Rep. Steve King (blog)
King and Connie Mackey, president of the Family Research Council Action political action committee addressed reporters before people were invited onto the bus for an informal gathering. Topics of conversation included marriage, abortion, ...
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Web3 new results for "Family Research Council"
Michele Bachmann Speaking at the Family Research Council ...
THE PERFECT HOLIDAY GIFT FOR YOUR RIGHT-WING FAMILY MEMBERS! Publication date for "The Madness of Michele Bachmann" is December 12th! ...
Family Research Council Disrespects Families
The Family Research Council (FRC), started by right-wing fundamentalists Gary Bauer and James Dobson, calls itself "the leading voice for the family in our ...
The Family Research Council is offering Congressman Joe Walsh ...
he's a deadbeat Dad who owes $117000 in back chil…

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