Sunday, November 6, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Rae backs open primaries in bid to rebuild shattered Liberals
Globe and Mail
Bob Rae is calling on federal Liberals to end decades-old turf wars and leadership feuds and throw open the doors of their party to all comers. The Interim Leader used blunt talk Saturday in a bid to spark an intense debate among grassroots Liberals as ...
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Globe and Mail
Donors give Liberals twice as much in NSW
Sydney Morning Herald
The NSW Liberal Party received more than double Labor's political donations last financial year and outstripped it in fundraising too. The state's Election Funding Authority (EFA) has also revealed the Liberals didn't borrow to fund their election ...
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BC Liberals weigh benefits over costs in Harper's anti-crime bill
Globe and Mail
Premier Christy Clark is supportive of the Harper agenda on getting tough on crime – it speaks to a certain constituency her BC Liberal party is almost obsessively courting. Ms. Clark is trying to coax back to her tent the 18 per cent of voters who, ...
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Globe and Mail
Excluded Andrew Robb ropeable at Liberals' reversal on super
The Australian
Tony Abbott's policies will be under scrutiny when he attends a roundtable on manufacturing in Melbourne today sponsored by the Liberals' think-tank, the Menzies Research Centre. The lift in superannuation is expected to cost $3.6 billion annually by ...
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Don't take us for granted, Greens leader tells Labor
The Australian
The party yesterday hit back at what it sees as "dirty deals" done by Labor to direct preferences to the Liberals in some seats, by resolving to support any divisions that want to stop directing preferences to Labor. While much of the conference was ...
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Liberals target federal seat of Brand
ABC Online
The WA Liberals say a slender margin will allow the party to capture the federal seat of Brand and topple the Special Minister of State, Gary Gray, at the next election. The state branch has opened nominations for endorsement for ten House of ...
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Premier not learning from history
The Province
By Michael Smyth, The Province November 6, 2011 One year ago, Gordon Campbell announced he was resigning as premier of British Columbia, giving his governing Liberal Party the chance it needed to survive. Yes, the Liberals were down in the polls. ...
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Den Tandt: Tim Hortons lattes a sign of Canadians' blurring political identity?
Montreal Gazette
Certainly Liberal leader Bob Rae was working hard in Victoria Saturday and again online Sunday to shore up some venerable old brand distinctions between left and right. But Timmy's, selling lattes? If Tim's can sell fancy coffee, then none of our most ...
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30 per cent tuition gift leaves some students out: critics
Hamilton Spectator
But Rodney — a third-year student at Ryerson University, also voting in his first election, shunned the Liberals. The reason: He sees too many holes and unanswered questions in the program. The province would give most undergraduate university and ...
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Conservatives must adopt liberal standards of governance!
Nolan Chart LLC
Liberals, not conservatives, have been the arm of political organization and activity. It is liberals "moderates" who force their views on others through the enactment of laws. It is liberal "moderates" who believe government has a responsibility to ...
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Blogs1 new result for Liberals
Musings of a Pertinacious Papist: Scaring liberals on Halloween
By Pertinacious Papist
Nothing offends liberals more than colonialism. It is, in their eyes, racism, sexism, and chauvinism all in one; it is the forcible imposition of Christianity and capitalism; it is the epitome of Western triumphalism. It is everything that leftists profess ...
Musings of a Pertinacious Papist

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