Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News7 new results for "Family Research Council"
Voter Values Bus brings out politicians, will visit tea party event tonight
By Staff reports Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra spoke in front of a Family Research Council bus this morning. "The Family Research Council, they've been a great friend," Hoekstra said. "We've partnered on a lot of things in Washington. ...
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Michele Bachmann: Frugal Socialist Among GOP Presidential Candidates
In a speech at the Family Research Council, Bachmann said, "Unfortunately for too many Republicans, they also aspire to be frugal socialists. We cannot preserve liberty if the choice is between a frugal socialist and an out-of-control socialist. ...
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Bachmann Stresses Consistent Conservative Values During Family Research ...
Insurance News Net (press release)
Michelle Bachmann , R- Minn. , issued the following news release: Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann delivered an address today to faith and family leaders at the Family Research Council . Bachmann highlighted her constitutional ...
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Anti-Gay RoboCall Targets Iowa's Liz Mathis On Gay Sex
Lez Get Real
Iowa television is apparently reporting on the fact that the National Organization for marriage and/or the Family Research Council may be behind a series of robocalls which are busy saying that same-sex marriage involves- gasp- gay sex. Well, duh. ...
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Joe Walsh Loses Temper With Constituent And Screams At Him
Lez Get Real
US Republican Representative, Family Research Council darling and Dead Beat Dad Joe Walsh got a tad upset with some of his constituents in Chicago's Gurnee suburb on Sunday. Apparently he did not like the fact that people were upset over the fact that ...
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Air Force Responds to Christmas Toy Drive Controversy
Opposing Views
The Family Research Council accused the Air Force of giving in to an "anti-Christian" activist and dropping the program. In an email sent to Opposing Views, the Air Force clarifies the situation: US AIR FORCE ACADEMY, CO – The Academy recently received ...
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FRC "Values Voter Bus" Pulls into Holland
The James Dobson-founded Family Research Council has outfitted a coach in an effort to spur voter registration while promoting its conservative, family agenda, a year before the next presidential election. The FRC's Action PAC President Connie Mackey, ...
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Blogs3 new results for "Family Research Council"
Video: The Family Research Council: 'A joke that they're in on ...
By G-A-Y
Video: The Family Research Council: 'A joke that they're in on': Good As You: Gay and Lesbian Activism With a Sense of Humor. News. Politics. Commentary. Irreverence.
Good As You
Deconstructing the Family Research Council | The Bilerico Project
By Bil Browning
Daily experiments in LGBTQ Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Lawrence O'Donnell ripped the Family Research Council a new asshole on last night's show. Watch and cheer....
The Bilerico Project
Walsh responds to receiving 'pro-family' award, doesn't talk about ...
By Alvin McEwen
By now, we all know the latest mess coming from the Family Research Council – how the organization recently awarded Congressman Joe Walsh an award for supposedly fighting for "family values" even though Walsh owes over $100000 in ...

Web1 new result for "Family Research Council"
Rep. Michele Bachmann Values Speech
System Requirements. PC-based attendees. Required: Windows® 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista. Apple-based attendees. Required: Mac OS® X ...

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