Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News8 new results for "Family Research Council"
Family Research Council's Values Voters Bus rolls into Holland with Hoekstra ...
By ANDREA GOODELL Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra stood in front of a Family Research Council bus Tuesday morning, speaking to his relationship with the organization that touts a message of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, anti-abortion, ...
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Daily Santorum: Yup, another debate
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Full statement after jump: Rochester, MI - This afternoon, former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) will hold a "Faith, Family, and Freedom Tour" press availability with the Family Research Council, where he will discuss the social and cultural policy ...
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Campaign 2012: Michele Bachmann
Washington Post
The summit was organized by the Family Research Council. Bachmann tied for fifth place in the conservative gathering's straw poll of Republican presidential candidates. Evan Vucci / AP Bachmann, center, prays with audience members after a news ...
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Congressman Joe Walsh's Chris Crocker Moment: "LEAVE THE BANKS ALONE!"
After all, the Illinois congressman was lauded as a "True Blue" member of Congress by the Family Research Council last week for his for "unwavering support of the family." If the FRC had done its research, though, the group would likely find out that ...
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Will Bachmann cut foreign assistance to Israel?
Washington Times (blog)
Speaking Monday at the Family Research Council in Washington, Mrs. Bachmann, a three-term Minnesota congresswoman, said that in 2010 the federal government funneled $1.4 billion in foreign assistance to countries "like China, Mexico, Egypt and other ...
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Washington Times (blog)
Constitutional principles
The Economist (blog)
Apparently Michelle Bachmann referenced it the other day in a speech to the Family Research Council, in which she criticised government social assistance: "Self reliance means, if anyone will not work, neither should he eat. ...
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Santorum calls off media availability amid showers
Detroit Free Press
His campaign canceled the 1 pm event in the hour preceding because the rain has been coming down hard in the Rochester area and this was supposed to be an event outside the Family Research Council's Values Voter Bus. Here's the message that came with ...
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Huge Round-Up of LGBT Election Results: Highlights and Stinkers Across the Country
Big loss for the Family Research Council. In Ohio, voters overturned a significant anti-union law in a referendum: "The results could help reverse the momentum of Republicans who used last year's huge electoral gains to pass extreme measures favored by ...
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Web1 new result for "Family Research Council"
Does the right wing Family Research Council looks the other way ...
the right wing conservatives looks the other way when their political picks cant keep their zipper shut, The right wing conservatives talk a big talk concerning.

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