Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
OWS Versus the Tea Party Is Comparing Apples to Koch
Huffington Post (blog)
Setting up the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement as the left wing's answer to the right-wing tea party is completely flawed for one simple reason: one is an actual uprising of concerned citizens, while the other is set up to have the appearance of an ...
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Tea Party Nation leader: Cain should drop out
The Hill (blog)
By Cameron Joseph - 11/09/11 05:02 PM ET A prominent Tea Party leader is calling for Herman Cain to drop out of the presidential race. Judson Phillips, the head of Tea Party Nation, slammed the Cain campaign's response to accusations that he had ...
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Tea Party Rep Blows Gasket at Town Hall Troublemaker: 'This Pisses Me Off!'
Fox News
Don't blame the banks... it p***** me off': Congressman 'goes crazy' during meeting with constituents By Lee Moran, The Daily Mail A Tea Party-backed Republican - who gained office vowing to bring fiscal responsibility to Washington - 'went crazy' and ...
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Victory! Voters Reject Tea Party Overreach, Protect American Freedoms
Huffington Post
President Obama must be heartened and his Republican challengers concerned about the people's vetoes of extreme tea party corporate libertarian overreach in Ohio (workers' rights) Maine (voting rights) Arizona (immigrants' rights) Mississippi ...
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Bachmann tries to fire up tea party supporters
CBS News
Looking to rally her tea party base, Michele Bachmann ramped up her rhetoric Tuesday evening with a series of comments slamming the Occupy Wall Street movement and government benefits for the children of illegal immigrants. ...
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Battleground North Carolina - Democrats Sweep Local Elections
Huffington Post
David Parker, Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party, proclaimed victory: "All across the state, the voters in North Carolina's counties and municipalities rejected the Tea Party and its extremist views." Voters repudiated the Tea Party agenda ...
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Jon Huntsman, Tea Party Darling?
With Herman Cain flailing and Rick Perry failing, the Tea Party is looking for a new anti-Romney candidate. Could it be Jon Huntsman? McKay Coppins asks the movement's leaders. For Tea Party poobah Erick Erickson, last weekend was not a good one. ...
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TERRY M. CAMPBELL: Tea Party movement is thriving
San Angelo Standard Times
The Tea Party movement has grown so quickly and already had such a huge impact that, increasingly, we are facing attacks from the advocates of big government (liberal progressives). They are spending millions of dollars trying to marginalize us by ...
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Local investors claim fraud in Tea Party TV network scheme
The Tennessean
A group of Middle Tennessee conservatives is suing a California businessman for $19 million, claiming he tricked them into investing into a sham business idea for a television network devoted to the tea party movement. The plaintiffs — Howard Luartes, ...
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Oakland: Tea party activist wins mayor's race in Troy
The Detroit News
Troy — Oakland County's largest city voted for change Tuesday, electing a tea party organizer and anti-tax advocate as the next mayor. In her first run for public office, Janice Daniels earned about 52 percent of the vote, beating out longtime ...
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Blogs5 new results for "Tea Party"
The Tea Party's Fatal Delusion - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The ...
By Andrew Sullivan
We've noticed the Tea Party's further alienation of minority voters, and now, with the Cain circus, possible intensification of the gender gap. We've noticed that increasing numbers of voters, including independents, regard the GOP as ...
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
The American Spectator : The Texas Tea Party Debate
By Peter Ferrara
Cain vs. Gingrich proved to be less Lincoln-Douglas than Lincoln-Lincoln, particularly on our greatest economic challenge: entitlement reform,
The American Spectator
The Tea Party Goes On Trial | Mother Jones
By Stephanie Mencimer
Tea Party Patriots (TPP), one of the country's largest tea party groups, has spent the last two years and thousands of dollars of its members' donated funds suing Amy Kremer, now the chairwoman of Tea Party Express, another tea party group ...
Political Mojo | Mother Jones
Christine Pelosi: Victory! Voters Reject Tea Party Overreach, Protect ...
By Christine Pelosi
President Obama must be heartened and his GOP challengers concerned about the people's vetoes of extreme tea party corporate libertarian overreach in Ohio, Maine, Arizona, Mississippi, and Iowa.
The Full Feed from
Bill Clinton Daily Show Interview: Former President Talks New Book ...
By The Huffington Post News Editors
"The fundamental problem we've got in America today -- and this is my beef with the Tea Party and with the no compromise ever on taxes, 'never never never crowd' in Congress -- is that what works in real life is people getting together with ...
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed

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