Thursday, November 10, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News6 new results for "Family Research Council"
Senate Judiciary Committee DOMA Vote Shows Disrespect for Marriage and Voters
Sacramento Bee
10, 2011 -- /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Family Research Council criticized the Senate Judiciary Committee today for its vote to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The Defense of Marriage Act was approved in 1996 by overwhelming bipartisan ...
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Ryan Scott Bomberger: A Rape Victim's Child Speaks Up for Right to Life
Catholic Online
9, 2011 at the Family Research Council in Washington, DC ( Starr) WASHINGTON,DC ( - Ryan Scott Bomberger is not just passionate about the preciousness and potential of every human being from the moment of conception; ...
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Art Pope's money key to NC anti-gay marriage push
Facing South
The Pope Foundation has given grants to at least two other conservative Christian groups active in the gay marriage debate: Christian Leadership Ministries, an offshoot of Campus Crusade for Christ, and the Family Research Council. ...
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Facing South
The values debate we're not having
Washington Post
But the Family Research Council — which organized last month's Values Voter summit — and Christian conservative operatives advance a political agenda by suggesting that the priorities of corporations and the GOP fit snugly with the teachings of Jesus ...
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Cain Loses Major Endorsement
Lez Get Real
Republicans crawl all over each other for the National Rifle Association, C-PAC's straw poll, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the VFW, Family Research Council, any organization that they feel carries votes with it and reflects ...
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New Technique Reveals that People Categorized to be in Persistent Vegetative ...
Family Research Council (blog)
None of us deserves to be deprived of food and water," he said." Family Research Council is a 501c(3) non-profit organization. If this post has been helpful to you, please consider a gift to help us continue to advance Faith, Family, and Freedom.
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Blogs3 new results for "Family Research Council"
Joe. My. God.: Family Research Council Vs. Herman Cain
By Joe
Family Research Council Vs. Herman Cain. Tom McClusky is the vice president of FRC Action, the Family Research Council's lobbying arm. As far as I know, this is the first real shot at Cain taken by the far wingnut right since the scandal broke ...
Joe. My. God.
Boystown: RedEye 'Hoods - Hypocrisy Watch: Deadbeat Dad Illinois ...
By Waymon Hudson
"I am proud and honored to be recognized by the Family Research Council as the only member from Illinois with a 100 percent pro-family voting record," Walsh said in a news release. "Defending American values have always been one of my ...
FRC Slams Senate Committee Repeal of DOMA
WASHINGTON -- Family Research Council criticized the Senate Judiciary Committee today for its vote to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).The Defense of Marriage Act was approved in 1996 by overwhelming bipartisan majorities in ...

Web3 new results for "Family Research Council"
Still don't believe the "Family Research Council" is a JOKE ...
Anyone with two open eyes can probably figure out that Tony Perkins and his Family Research Council are little more than a anti-homosexual crusade, ...
Controversial personhood movement backed by Family Research ...
Ken Blackwell of Family Research Council. WASHINGTON, DC, November 7, 2011 ( - An initiative to constitutionally define personhood as ...
Newsvine - Family Research Council's Tony Perkins Livid Over ...
The Family Research Council is upset that the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 10 to 8 to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. ...Tony Perkins ranted: "Today's ...

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