Thursday, November 10, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Liberal Democrats Push Back Over Worries Deficit Panel May Cut Safety Net
Wall Street Journal
By Siobhan Hughes Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--Concerns that a congressional deficit-cutting panel might trim the US social safety net spilled into full public view on Thursday, as the Democrats' most liberal lawmakers became vocal in ...
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Liberals stake their party's revival on leadership primaries
Globe and Mail
The Liberal Party's audacious proposal to choose its next leader through a series of American-style primary contests, formally unveiled Thursday, combines equal measures of inspiration and desperation. No political party has ever been prepared to ...
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Globe and Mail
Liberal road map to power still in pre-construction stage
National Post (blog)
Indeed, as it stands now, the Liberals' vaunted "road map" is more like a map to nowhere. Rae's "road map" speech lacked any direction, was devoid of details of how the party will change and provided no clue on how it will get from here to there. ...
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Herman Cain and the Liberal Catch-22
Big Government
by Ron Capshaw Liberal pundits are scrambling for explanations as to why Herman Cain's poll numbers haven't been dented by the sexual harassment allegations. With apparently more coming, they are secretly hoping that something, anything, will make drop ...
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Don Macpherson: Signs that the Liberals are worried about anglo support
Montreal Gazette
Last week, when the Quebec Liberal Party distributed a bilingual pamphlet in the riding, 15 per cent of whose voters are English-speaking, Roy pointed it out to his followers on Twitter. "Fifty per cent of a document in English for 15 per cent of the ...
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Even Liberals Agree on 2nd Amendment Gun Rights
Opposing Views
For an allegedly radical piece of conservatism, the individual rights interpretation of the Second Amendment has a curiously distinguished list of liberal admirers. Among them are Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe, a longtime friend and adviser to ...
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Opposing Views
New Political Satire Novel Lampoons Nancy Pelosi, Liberals
Sacramento Bee
Written by new author John Bascom, the fictional work unfolds in a surreal 2014 where Nancy Pelosi is president and the ultra-liberal wing of the Democratic Party firmly controls America. The novel is distinctive in that it defies standard ...
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Reid hails end of Liberals' gun registry
Napanee Guide
First enacted in 1993 by the former Liberal government of Jean Chretien, the Long Gun Registry was brought in as a response to a number of violent, gun-related crimes that had recently taken place in Canada, including the so-called Montreal Massacre ...
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'Weak field' spanks CNBC liberals
American Thinker (blog)
Putting aside Rick Perry's awful 53 seconds, the real story of the CNBC debate last night was how thoroughly the so-called weak field of Republican Presidential candidates collectively embarrassed the panel aggregated by the financial network. ...
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San Francisco's political spectrum: a primer
San Francisco Bay Guardian
In San Francisco, there is general agreement on most social issues among the moderates, liberals, and progressives, although we may disagree on political tactics. We all basically support gay rights, reproductive freedom, the value of diversity, ...
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Blogs2 new results for Liberals
WFB still making Yale liberals squirm | The Examiner | Columnists ...
By Emmett Tyrrell
Last weekend I was given a hint as to how an erroneous idea is born and how it takes on a life of its own.
Examiner Columnists RSS
PJTV - Liberals and Union Cry Babies Make a Lot of Noise but Little ...
"You go to a tea hear idea after idea" -- Bill Whittle.

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