Sunday, November 13, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News3 new results for "Family Research Council"
Penn Jillette's Atheist Guide to 2012 Presidential Election
Opposing Views
By Daniel Honan If you visit The Family Research Council (FRC) website, you can examine the "Pro-family voting record of your Member of Congress." The FRC, a conservative Christian lobbying group, is not alone in providing so-called "scorecards" that ...
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Opposing Views
Student Non-Discrimination Act needed to protect LGBT students from bullying
LGBTQ Nation
The irony of Family Research Council ignoring family research and producing policies directly impacting the health and mental wellness of LGBT youth is glaring. Focus on the Family really does need to focus on families and help families with LGBT youth ...
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LGBTQ Nation
Penguins, perverts — and the mockery of everything LGBTQ
LGBTQ Nation
The Family Research Council's Jerry Cox appearing on National Public radio here in Washington told the host of NPR's news and analysis show "To The Point:" "I find it interesting that we talk about the Penn State situation, and then when we talk about ...
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LGBTQ Nation

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