Sunday, November 13, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News8 new results for Liberals
Den Tandt: Parties' dismissal of Liberal-NDP merger only delaying the inevitable
Montreal Gazette
By Michael Den Tandt, Postmedia News November 13, 2011 Brian Topp, an NDP strategist who is also running for leadership, said no to a merger, saying the NDP "don't have to become Liberals to win." Tell Bob Rae and Brian Topp they'll one day link arms ...
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German Liberals try to tame euro rebels, find role
By Christiaan Hetzner FRANKFURT (Reuters) - German government ministers from a beleaguered junior coalition party sought to steal the limelight from euro skeptic rebels at a weekend conference and convince Chancellor Angela Merkel they can be a ...
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Liberals reject tax increase debate
ABC Online
The Tasmanian Liberals have rejected a Greens' suggestion that higher taxes could be considered to ease the state's budget crisis. Greens' leader Nick McKim says increasing taxes should be discussed in the current debate over frontline public service ...
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Human Events: Top 10 Liberal Hit Jobs
Fox News
AP By Human Events When liberals are losing a political issue, they won't hesitate to smear their opponents, even if the attacks are unfounded. Here are the Top 10 Liberal Hit Jobs: 1. Robert Bork​: When President Reagan​ nominated Robert Bork to the ...
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Fox News
Seattle: Where the liberals need to listen
Seattle Post Intelligencer
The liberal-left crowded last week over voters' slap-down of excess by the Republican right. Ohio voters rejected a law, championed by GOP Gov. John Kasich, that stripped public employees of collective bargaining rights. Mississippi rejected a proposal ...
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PC party a good Liberal party
Edmonton Journal
Premier Alison Redford's government may be the closest we will get to a Liberal government in Alberta, a reader says. Re: "Redford shows her Liberal colours; Clunkers, flip-flops can no longer be chalked up to rookie mistakes," by Lorne Gunter, Nov. 6. ...
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Brad Taylor: Liberals can't find way to call off recall attempt
Wisconsin State Journal
The liberals have no candidate. Should they win the recall, they'll be like the dog finally catching the car and asking, "Now what?" Like the Occupy Wall Street crowd, there's no liberal leadership that can ever figure out how to call the whole thing ...
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The real conservative scandal
Washington Post
Politico ran the first stories about the allegations, and to argue that Politico is "liberal" requires an extraordinary leap of the imagination. Most liberals see Politico as leaning over backward to give conservatives more than their share of ...
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Blogs4 new results for Liberals
Why do Wisconsin liberals want so badly to overturn Gov. Walker's ...
By TrogloPundit
Why do Wisconsin liberals want so badly to overturn Gov. Walker's reforms NOW? Written By : TrogloPundit. Because the longer they stay in effect, the better they'll work. Earlier this week, I wrote about a survey which, according to Wisconsin's ...
Right Wing News - German Liberals try to tame euro rebels, find role
German government ministers from a beleaguered junior coalition party sought to steal the limelight from euro sceptic rebels at a weekend conference and convince Chancellor Angela Merkel they can be a reliable partner.
XE Forex News
Madoff's SEC regulators get off scot-free, liberals who bleat ...
By directorblue
Madoff's SEC regulators get off scot-free, liberals who bleat endlessly for more regulation hardest hit. I just love it when progressives and big government Republicans prattle endlessly about the need for more regulation. Every industry in ...
Doug Ross @ Journal
A plain blog about politics: Sunday Question for Liberals
By Jonathan Bernstein
Sunday Question for Liberals. A variation of the question for conservatives: what foreign policy or national security policies are you most concerned about if Republicans win the presidency in 2012? Bookmark and Share. Posted by Jonathan ...
A plain blog about politics

Web2 new results for Liberals
Liberals talking fiscal restraint? [I'll believe it when I see it. They just ...
The Liberals just can't stop spending. Sure, they pay lip service to the ... Take, for example, the Liberal pledge to keep cabinet small. They did that — there are ...
Why Do Liberals Hate Smokeless Cigarettes? | Psychology Today
Liberal tend to oppose e-cigarettes, but the reason is unclear By Ben Y. Hayden, Ph.D....

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