Saturday, November 19, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News6 new results for Islam news
Anti-Islam message inflicted damage
Blue Springs Examiner
I listened intently to the invited speaker, Mr. Kamal Saleem, that, in essence, conveyed his message that Islam is the greatest threat to America and that it teaches hate, murder, promotes slavery, and degrades women. As a Muslim I know that all of ...
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The Observations of a Jew Who Converted to Islam
Huffington Post
That is, until last March when this Jew walked into a mosque in Louisville, Kentucky, a city in which I was performing for the week, and converted to Islam. I am now alternatively known as Assad Ibrahim, or "Lion of Abraham." Why did I convert? Simple. ...
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Ex-Muslim 'royalty' faces dicey future over claims of Islam deception
London Free Press
By Michael Coren, QMI Agency "Allah is the greatest enemy of the Muslim people, and Islam imprisons my brothers and sisters, the Palestinians, and all of the Arab world," explains Mosab Hassan Yousef. Unlike the rest of us in the studio, he is utterly ...
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'All-American Muslim' divides viewers
Detroit Free Press
By Niraj Warikoo The new TV show "All-American Muslim" has sparked an intense debate among Muslims and others about Islam and how the religion should be depicted. From social media sites like Twitter to CNN to Al-Jazeera, the reality show from TLC that ...
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CAIR: TN GOP Rep. Tells Muslims to 'Go Back to Where They Came From'
Sacramento Bee
Hooper noted that Womick was a co-sponsor of a Tennessee bill that, in its original form, would have effectively outlawed basic Islamic principles (Sharia) and made the practice of Islam illegal in that state. Earlier this year, CAIR called on state ...
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Herman Cain campaign distances itself from Broward pastor critical of Islam
Broward Politics (blog)
In 2006, Dozier labeled Islam "a cult" and derided Muslims as "terrorists" during the debate over a mosque's plans to move to a predominantly black neighborhood. Republicans responded by distancing themselves from Dozier. Then-Gov. ...
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Web1 new result for Islam news
IslamOnline, Islamic News, Islamic Finance and Business - The IFSB ...
The Council of the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) resolved to appoint its Chairman and Deputy Chairman for the year 2012. The Governor of the ...

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