Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
B.C. Liberals to discuss caucus status of Kash Heed
Vancouver Sun
By Jonathan Fowlie, Vancouver Sun November 1, 2011 5:30 PM VICTORIA — Premier Christy Clark said Tuesday her BC Liberal colleagues will have the final say on whether MLA Kash Heed gets to remain a member of the caucus. "I'm sure the caucus will have a ...
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A Liberal's Investment Firm Goes Under
Huffington Post (blog)
Corzine, Liberal though he is, would seem to be the embodiment of everything the OWS mob is protesting, however they seem totally geared to go after only Conservatives while Liberals largely get a pass. After unwisely accepting the support and ...
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Deputy Tory leader backs Liberal MPP for Ontario Speaker
Globe and Mail
Liberal MPP Donna Cansfield's bid to become the first woman Speaker of the Ontario Legislature has received a considerable boost, with a senior Tory saying she will support her nomination. Deputy Progressive Conservative Leader Christine Elliott told ...
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Globe and Mail
Bowen plea to Liberals: agree to swap deal
Sydney Morning Herald
The federal government is urging the coalition to reconsider its opposition to the Malaysia people-swap solution in light of the drowning deaths of asylum seekers en route to Australia. But the opposition says the tragic event should not be used for ...
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Bob Rae's message on mental health: 'Things can and do change'
Globe and Mail (blog)
And just before Jamie Hubley's suicide, Mr. Rae's Liberals raised the need for a national suicide-prevention strategy in the Commons, demanding the Conservative government deal with the issue. In his speech, Mr. Rae writes that the debate was "an ...
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Globe and Mail (blog)
Ontario's green energy blunder 0
Toronto Sun
Energy Minister Chris Bentley didn't say in his Tuesday announcement how many jobs will be lost after the Liberals review their so-called feed-in tariff (FIT) program in a report due by mid-December. That's because since renewable energy can't survive ...
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'High-Tech Lynching' of Herman Cain?
Fox News
And this is why liberals detest, detest, detest, conservative blacks. I mean, they harang blacks and tell them, you can't be Republican, you can't be Republican, it is so hard for a black to be a Republican. And then when we don't have that many ...
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Jewish liberals defend Occupy Wall Street from anti-Semitism claims
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
NEW YORK (JTA) -- A group of liberal Jewish activists, former politicians and union leaders released a statement denouncing opponents of Occupy Wall Street for accusing the movement of anti-Semitism. "We are publicly engaged American Jews who support ...
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Liberals hate black conservatives, so they're loving the Herman Cain 'scandal ...
Telegraph.co.uk (blog)
By Tim Stanley US politics Last updated: November 1st, 2011 Disregard what you read in the liberal press: there's a chance that Herman Cain will emerge stronger from his little "sex scandal" than he was before. The reason liberals think otherwise is ...
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Blogs4 new results for Liberals
Coulter on black liberals: 'Our blacks are better than their blacks ...
By Andrew Jones
Appearing on Fox News Hannity, the polarizing right-wing figure did what she normally does best, slamming liberals with her usual "our side is better than their side" prospective. "All they see is conservative black man," she said. "Look at how ...
The Raw Story
Cain and the Liberals - Opinion - PatriotPost.US
By William Murchison
Republicans by the boxcar load adore him. You know what that means if you're a certain kind of Democrat, and the 'him' in question is Herman Cain. It means Cain lovers -- even or perhaps especially, folks in Dixie, who might have lynched ...
The Patriot Post
Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Liberals Fantasize of Killing "Brain ...
Nice exploitation of racial and cultural stereotypes to sell the liberal schtick that liberals hate, err, racial and cultural stereotypes. Unless they're zombies, I guess. No love for zombies, even after all the heartbreaking obama zombie slurs. ...
Weasel Zippers
Yes, Liberals Are Totally Responsible for the ... - The Rude Pundit
By Rude One
Yes, Liberals Are Totally Responsible for the Herman Cain Sexual Harassment Story: You know on thing that's really hilarious about conservatives? How they preach the "personal responsibility" dogma and then, when they're caught doing ...
The Rude Pundit

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