Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
Liberals can't explain election pledge to move gas plant
TORONTO — The governing Liberals were at a loss to explain Wednesday why construction is continuing at a gas plant in Mississauga they pledged to shut down during the Ontario election campaign. Critics are questioning whether the Liberals will be able ...
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As governor, Romney worked to reassure liberals
Washington Post (blog)
Then, as the meeting drew to a close, the businessman offered an intriguing suggestion — that he would rise to national prominence in the Republican Party as a victor in a liberal state and could use his influence to soften the GOP's hard-line ...
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Ann Coulter defends remarks that conservative blacks are 'so much better' than ...
New York Daily News
Coulter dismissed the claim, pointing out that Waters supported the Los Angeles riots, Cain is frequently called an Uncle Tom by his critics and when Steele was running for Senate, "liberals showed up and rolled Oreos down the aisle. ...
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New York Daily News
Banning loans to political parties will benefit Tories
Globe and Mail
The Liberals have not decided whether to support the bill. But the NDP is behind it. "While we still need to study this legislation carefully, we strongly support this effort in principle," said NDP Democratic Reform critic David Christopherson. ...
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Globe and Mail
Opposition boycotts Commons probe of CBC
Globe and Mail
The NDP and the Liberals boycotted a Commons committee Wednesday that has been scrutinizing the CBC's approach towards access to information, opposing a Conservative bid to have the public broadcaster turn over internal documents. ...
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Globe and Mail
Baptist leader: Liberals will 'mock' Mitt's Mormonism
Salt Lake Tribune
By Thomas Burr Washington • An influential evangelical leader says Mitt Romney's Mormon faith will be an issue if he becomes the Republican presidential nominee, but maintains that the attacks will come from secular liberals, not conservatives. ...
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Is it too late for the Liberal party?
The Independent News
Kieran Hanley explores how the Liberals went from governing to 6% support in St. John's in just 9 years By the night of the provincial election, securing second place had turned into the benchmark of success for the Liberal party. ...
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The Independent News
George Will: Liberals' push for 'diversity' translates to ... compulsory ...
Cherokee Tribune
In 1984, William Brennan, the court's leading liberal of the last half-century, said: "There can be no clearer example of an intrusion into the internal structure or affairs of an association than a regulation that forces the group to accept members it ...
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KCK, liberals and a parting of the ways
Today's Zaman
It seems that the KCK investigation brought conservative democrat and liberal democrat intellectuals who had backed each other so far in terms of the Kurdish issue to a breaking point. The break first started when some liberals criticized arrests in ...
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Blogs1 new result for Liberals
Call the Liberals' Bluff: Oil Subsidies Should Go - Big Government
By Jamie Radtke
On "Meet the Press" Sunday, David Gregory asked Barack Obama's campaign manager David Plouffe, "Should government be playing venture capitalist to try to prop these interest–industries up [referring to Solyndra]?" Plouffe's answer: "Well ...
Big Government

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