Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
US politics live blog: Herman Cain's past still haunts him
The Guardian (blog)
Photograph: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters With Europe in crisis and the drums of war being sounded over Iran, America's political attention remains firmly fixed on whether or not Herman Cain sexually harassed two employees over a decade ago. ...
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The Guardian (blog)
UNESCO funding cutoff another example of Israel's stranglehold on US politics
Baltimore Sun (blog)
When will this spoiled child of an Israel loosen its stranglehold on American politics? I get it know. John Dahodi is a California of Indian ( moslem?) extrraction that regularly rants against the west. He porbably wrote a paragraph and is posting it ...
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Where are the women in The Ides of March?
The best barometer of how we view politics and what state politics is in surely comes from fiction, from the bumbling leaders of Yes, Minister to the spin-doctored puppets of The Thick of It. Nowhere is that more true than with regard to American ...
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Political Islam and the US
The Majalla Magazine
"The days where the US" and others "can view the domestic situation in the Arab world through the eyes of the rulers are over," says Brown and the "challenge for the Obama administration is to build an American policy that is not around movements or ...
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The Majalla Magazine
Bernanke Own Words on U.S. Economy, Fed Monetary Policy
Washington Post
2 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke offers his views on the outlook for the US economy and Fed monetary policy at a news conference in Washington. This report also contains comments from Christina Romer, former head of President ...
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Who should head a 'third force' in US politics?
Financial Times
By Jurek Martin Given the near universal opinion that the two-party American political system is broken, it is hardly surprising that talk of a non-partisan "third force" is in the air. It might get louder when the "super committee" of Congress fails ...
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US Explores Faster Afghan Handover
Fox News
No decisions have been made, officials said, and policy makers could consider other options that would adjust the mission in other ways, officials said. Officials said agreement on a formal shift to an advisory role could come as early as a North ...
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Fox News
Highlights: Bernanke news conference on Fed policy
It would be helpful if we could get assistance from some other parts of the government to work with us to help create more jobs. But certainly we are doing our part to create more jobs, more opportunities in America." "Politics is politics and the ...
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House panel hearing explores US government contractors' exploitation of ...
Washington Post
The headlines of two articles sum up the situation: "US policy a paper tiger against sex trade in war zones" was the title of a June 2010 Washington Post article by Nick Schwellenbach and Carol Leonnig. "For foreign workers on US bases in Iraq and ...
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Poorest poor in US hits new record: 1 in 15 people
The Seattle Times
The more recent broader migration of the US population, including working- and middle-class blacks, to the South and to suburbs helps explain some of the shifts in poverty. A study by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies found that the ...
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Blogs4 new results for U.S. Politics – Race and US politics: One nation, two worlds
By William Harms-Chicago
U. CHICAGO (US) — The political outlook of blacks in America has undergone dramatic swings in the last ten years—from Hurricane Katrina's aftermath to Barack Obama's election—writes political scientist Michael Dawson in a new book. ...
Speaker talks US, Turkey politics //
By The Daily Cougar Staff
"In the last 10 years, maybe 15, progress in Turkey has been just astronomical, both in terms of democracy and as an economic world power," Harrington said. "And, as we are seeing, in terms of a foreign policy leader in the Middle East." ...
The revolving door of U.S. politics — The Monkey Cage
By Andrew Gelman
I got the following email today from Jordan Gehrke, Campaign Director, Patriot— They're at it again. Herman Cain is winning the Republican race for President. So the left-wing media has swung into action.
The Monkey Cage
EA WorldView - Home - US Politics Special: A Pizza-Based Foreign ...
By Josh Shahryar
Herman, if you must compare foreign policy to pizza-making...keep reading. Presidential candidate Herman Cain is having a really tough time these days. There are allegations of sexual harassment, perhaps some campaign finance issues, ...
EA WorldView

Web2 new results for U.S. Politics
USPolitics - The Independent
I'm always a bit wary of travelling to the United States because of the rather extreme immigration policies that George Bush brought into play after 9/11. The US ...
PressTV - 'US econ., politics dysfunctional'
Interview with Saul Landau, Institute for Policy Studies.

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