Monday, November 7, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News8 new results for Liberals
Liberals roll dice on U.S.-style primary to choose next leader
Globe and Mail
By proposing a series of primary contests to choose their next leader, the federal Liberals are gambling that they can convert a tired and increasingly marginalized party into a powerful new movement for social and political change. ...
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Globe and Mail
Hudak calls for public sector wage freeze to cut costs
TORONTO — The Opposition says job losses rocked Ontario like a "bomb" and the Liberals must work with the Tories to freeze public sector wages, rein in government spending and get the economy back on track. The Liberals should not have blamed Ontario ...
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Democrats More Liberal, Less White Than in 2008
by Frank Newport, Jeffrey M. Jones, and Lydia Saad PRINCETON, NJ -- In many respects, the demographic profile of Democrats nationwide is similar to what it was in 2008, although Democrats have become somewhat less white and more liberal than the party ...
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A Plea to Liberals: Stop Marginalizing Peace and Civil Liberties
The Atlantic
For all the differences in their age and careers, both are knowledgeable Obama supporters; their worldviews generally resonate with liberals and independents; they're talented enough to persuade readers that their analysis has merit, and disagreeing ...
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The Atlantic
Opposition to back Olympic Dam mine expansion bill
ABC Online
SA Greens leader Mark Parnell says it is no surprise the Liberals have given the legislation their support. He says the Greens will ensure the tough questions are asked. "What we have to remember is that it is the biggest industrial project in South ...
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Liberals Make Deal With Violent, Anti-Zionist OWS Devil
It must be admitted that when it was just a matter of stray signs or utterances that might have been true, though it must also be said this was exactly the tactic used by liberals in the media to try to demonize the Tea Party movement. ...
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A Liberal's Guide to Surviving Thanksgiving Dinner
Huffington Post (satire)
The most stereotypical, called-out liberals in America, for generations, have been the most creative, the most educated and the most well informed members of our society. Who wouldn't want to be grouped in with them?! Yet the holidays are upon us, ...
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Face the Nation's GOP-Fest Allowed Attacks On Liberals, Obama To Go Unanswered
Media Matters for America (blog)
However, the unbalanced format also allowed Republicans to launch attacks on liberals and President Obama without having anyone on the show present to rebut the allegations. For instance, addressing the Herman Cain sexual harassment allegations, ...
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Blogs5 new results for Liberals
Liberals at work « Seeing Red AZ
By seeingredaz
Liberals at work. A bronze statue of former President Ronald Reagan was vandalized in the early morning hours yesterday — just a month after it was dedicated in Newport Beach's Bonita Canyon Sports Park. A witness reportedly saw a ...
Seeing Red AZ
Leonard Pitts: Only Liberals Like Me Are Allowed To Play The Race ...
By John Hawkins
Leonard Pitts: Only Liberals Like Me Are Allowed To Play The Race Card! Written By : John Hawkins. Leonard Pitts is another run-of-the-mill, incoherent left-wing pundit who sees everything through a race-based lens. So, a column kvetching ...
Right Wing News
Shocker: Poll Finds One-Third of Liberals Want Obama Gone in ...
By Ben
Ben Johnson, The White House Watch A new WND/Wenzel Poll has found more than one-third of voters on the Left would like to see someone else as their standard.
Impeach Obama Campaign
Unbelievable: Occupy DC Liberals Push 78-Year Old Woman Down ...
By Doug Brady
Liberal enlightenment on display in the nation's capital.
Liberals raise expectations | The Daily Caller
By Mickey Kaus
Anything under 58% and we declare victory: PPP polls and Talking Points Memo are completely ineffective at lowering expectations for a "big" (59% to 36%) "humiliating" and "decisive" pro-union win in Ohio on Tuesday (in the referendum on ...
The Daily Caller

Web2 new results for Liberals
Gallup: Conservatives Outnumber Liberals - Conservatives - Fox ...
By Terence P. Jeffrey, CNS News( - Self-professed conservatives now outnumber self-professed liberals in the United States, 42 percent to 21 ...
Orlando Jones calls upon liberals to kill Sarah Palin - Dallas TEA ...
In a typically irresponsible statement made by a liberal celebrity, Orlando Jones, who was apparently incensed over the overthrow and killing of Moammar ...

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