Monday, November 7, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
Obama says biggest task left for him is to fix US politics
Reuters Blogs (blog)
There's energy policy, for example, which he would like to revamp. There's immigration reform, which he hopes to "implement." But at a fundraiser on Monday night, the president said the real challenge he had left to handle was "fixing" the political ...
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Reuters Blogs (blog)
H. Darr Beiser, USA TODAY
USA Today
At 65, he looks older and less robust than when he was the dominant figure in American politics two decades ago. Ranging far and wide, he defends Texas Gov. Rick Perry's support of in-state college tuition rates for illegal immigrants, ...
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USA Today
Justices wary of bid by American born in Jerusalem
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Bush issued a signing statement at the time in which he said that "US policy regarding Jerusalem has not changed." In late 2002, Naomi Zivotofsky, Menachem's mother, showed up at the US embassy in Tel Aviv to get her baby a US passport, one that listed ...
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Atlanta Journal Constitution
Politics and Brand Preference: Can Cheerios Bring Together Dems & GOPers?
To put this in some current political context, the Occupy Wall Street-sparked protest movement is just the latest movement in the US to politically charge brand-consumer relationships. Last week, one right wing blogger declared a personal boycott of ...
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US poverty at new high: 16% or 49.1 mn
Economic Times
That just defies common sense, and the political implications could be devastating,'' said Douglas Besharov, a University of Maryland public policy professor and former scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, who called the new ...
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NBC poll: Despite national pessimism, Obama tops GOP foes
By Mark Murray Deputy political director WASHINGTON — One year out before President Barack Obama faces voters in his bid for re-election, he encounters an American public that remains deeply pessimistic about the state of the country and its economy, ...
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Room for Debate: A Running Commentary on the News
New York Times
... fully realizing that there were far too many interests in the US invested in systematically excluding some communities of citizens to make these mechanisms politically feasible even though a majority of us wished such measures could be implemented. ...
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U.S. to review pipeline's permit process
Globe and Mail
The $7-billion Keystone XL project is planned to carry vast volumes of oil sands crude from Alberta to the US Gulf Coast. The project's US government approval was once seen as a near-certainty by industry and political leaders alike, but is beginning ...
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Pollster Zogby to discuss U.S. politics as seen through international eyes ...
John Zogby is the chairman of the board and chief insights officer of Zogby International, will be on campus to discuss US politics from a global perspective. In 2008, he authored The Way We'll Be: The Zogby Report on the Transformation of the American ...
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Voting wars heat up in the US
As the 2012 presidential election approaches, expect to hear candidates bicker about the traditional hot-button issues in US politics: abortion, global warming, same-sex marriage, and taxes, among others. But, for the first time in decades, ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
The New Rules: Obama Must Avoid the ... - World Politics Review
By (Thomas P.M. Barnett)
No credible international affairs specialist would contend that the 2012 presidential election will hinge on U.S. foreign policy, given the state of the U.S. economy and the widespread social anger that one sees bubbling up across the country. ...
World Politics Review: Articles

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