Saturday, November 12, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Liberal or Conservative, the Problem Is Ignorance
New York Times
Mr. Sunstein wrote that we were moving toward a society in which "people restrict themselves to their own points of view — liberals watching and reading mostly or only liberals; moderates, moderates; conservatives, conservatives; neo-Nazis, neo-Nazis. ...
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Liberals talking fiscal restraint?
Toronto Sun
Take, for example, the Liberal pledge to keep cabinet small. They did that — there are only 22 cabinet ministers. But somehow they managed to squeeze out 29 jobs as parliamentary assistants — thus giving almost everyone in the Liberal caucus a pay ...
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South Carolina Liberals: We Exist
The pair said Spartanburg recently embraced the gay pride parade at the municipal government level thanks to the efforts of liberals in town. The president of the South Carolina AFL-CIO, Donna DeWitt, helped lead the progressive protest outside the ...
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Down to the nitty-gritty: Rebuilding the Liberal party
National Post
The Liberals could learn something from the way the Conservative party rebuilt itself, says Mike Crawley, who is vying for the Liberal presidency. Mike Crawley is not offering a quick fix. He is not suggesting the Liberal Party of Canada can regain its ...
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Rex Murphy: Bob Rae may save the Liberals
National Post (blog)
Some months back his taking up the cause of the battered, ragged and demoralized Liberal party looked either to be a profound dip into the waters of masochism, or one of the few selfless acts Canadian politics has seen in a while. Remember the scene. ...
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Herman Cain Laughs at His Desperate Liberal Attackers (blog)
Herman Cain is laughing at the nutty Liberals who are desperately trying to characterize Cain as a Clinton Light womanizer. The voters are recognizing the Alinsky-Marxist tactics of those attacking Cain, and they are responding by pouring increasing ...
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Liberals split over the sale of power amid fears it will not result in cheaper ...
The Daily Telegraph
Should Premier Barry O'Farrell press ahead with any further sale, he also faces a battle to convince most of his own Coalition National Party MPs and many Liberal MPs that selling off remaining electricity assets will not cost jobs. ...
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NDP Says Liberals Review Doesn't Address $6 Million To Former Party Insiders ...
South Asian Link
VANCOUVER — The Toope review into the government's indemnification policy has shed no new light on why the Liberals decided to cover the $6 million in legal fees for two convicted Liberal staffers charged in the BC Rail corruption trial, ...
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South Asian Link
Federal Liberals Change Rules For Leadership And Candidates
South Asian Link
OTTAWA—The Liberal Party's audacious proposal to choose its next leader through a series of American-style primary contests, formally unveiled Thursday, combines equal measures of inspiration and desperation, reported the Globe and Mail newspaper. ...
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South Asian Link
Brecheen says conservatives and liberals agree that state wastes money
Durant Daily Democrat
by Josh Brecheen, The Conservative Voice Conservative and liberal Oklahomans agree on something of significant substance - our state wastes too much money. SoonerPoll surveyed 587 likely voters from July to August 2011 and asked the following question: ...
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Blogs1 new result for Liberals
Rutte defends euro to German liberals < Dutch news | Expatica The ...
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has defended the planned expansion of the euro rescue fund at a congress meeting for members of the German liberal party...
Expatica - Dutch Local Headlines

Web1 new result for Liberals
Walid Phares, A Hero to Muslim Liberals
Walid Phares, A Hero to Muslim Liberals, Lebanon's bloody war, The Crisis of Islamic Thinking, Hamas, CAIR, Islamism and Pan Arabism, Islamists.

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