Saturday, November 12, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
Deportations Under New US Policy Are Inconsistent
New York Times
Since June, when the policy was unveiled, frustrated lawyers and advocates have seen a steady march of deportations of immigrants with no criminal record and with extensive roots in the United States, who seemed to fit the administration's profile of ...
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New York Times
Furore over Herman Cain sex claims becomes first dirty tricks battleground of ...
"He is a true conservative, not a political elitist, and there are people who don't like that," she said in the Big Sky diner near the Willow Run airbase where B-24 bombers, the US air force workhorse of the Second World War, were made. ...
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GOP Candidates Debate Foreign Policy in South Carolina
Fox News
... Businessman, Mitt Romney, Former Governor of Massachusetts, Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of House, Rick Perry, Texas Governor, and Rick Santorum, Former US Senator, prepare to speak at the CBS News/National Journal foreign policy debate. ...
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Fox News
Romney's political shifts stir criticism
Chicago Tribune
"I wish the people of America agreed, and that the laws of our nation could reflect that view." Romney has since said in a recent National Review editorial that he supports a reversal of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision legalizing ...
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American Way: Whiff of scandal now taints Barack Obama (blog)
By Toby Harnden US politics Last updated: November 12th, 2011 Rick Perry's brain freeze and Herman Cain's alleged penchant for blondes have fixated the American media in recent days. Liberals, sensing there might yet be hope for President Barack Obama, ...
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Republicans Debate Foreign Policy
Huffington Post
This behavior is, of course, not limited to US policy in the Middle East. This same nasty and unproductive bickering has harmed our ability to address and resolve serious domestic challenges, as well: evidence Washington's near paralysis in attempting ...
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President Obama to CEOs: 'We've Been a Bit Lazy'
ABC News (blog)
"I think it's important to remember that the United States is still the largest recipient of foreign investment in the world and there are a lot of things that make foreign investors see the US as a great opportunity — our stability, our openness, ...
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ABC News (blog)
A view of American politics from across the pond
Hot Air
The Guardian has published an editorial with some general observations on the political process in the United States, specifically focusing on the GOP primary race. It's not particularly shocking in terms of the stories they choose to highlight – very ...
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Obama says US has been 'lazy' about attracting business
Los Angeles Times
"Lazy'' is a strong word, though, and in a staid talk about trade and currency policy, it caused a bit of a stir. Afterward, a few business leaders briefed reporters. Jake Tapper of ABC News asked about Obama's word choice. ...
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Los Angeles Times
GOP Candidates Tackle Foreign Policy In Debate
Michele Bachmann, said they would allow US military and intelligence agencies to waterboard suspected terrorists. President Barack Obama banned the practice shortly after taking office in 2009. "I would return to that policy," Cain said. ...
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Web3 new results for U.S. Politics
Chi-Coms Mock US Politics: On 'Money-Grubbing Little Yellow ...
Chi-Coms Mock US Politics: On 'Money-Grubbing Little Yellow People'. The Washington Times, a newspaper started by and as a mouthpiece for the Moonies ...
Pollster Zogby to discuss U.S. politics as seen through international ...
If you've heard of Zogby Polls—the opinion polls that have correctly predicted presidential election trends for the past two decades—you will have the ...
Twitter / @Min_Reyes/US Politics
@Min_Reyes/us-politics. ANDREW RANKIS Herman Cain on Jeopardy: "Alex, I'll take Blonds for $80000" less than 20 seconds ago via web. ANDREW RANKIS ...

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