Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
McGuinty rejects run for federal Liberal leadership
(Sean Kilpatrick / THE CANADIAN PRESS) BRAMPTON, Ont. — Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty is dismissing reports he may be considering a run for the federal Liberal leadership. Several high-profile federal Liberals attended McGuinty's speech to the ...
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Liberals propose Quebec's changes to crime bill
Federal-provincial tensions over the Harper government's omnibus crime bill were raised a notch Wednesday, as federal Liberals said they'll be championing the amendments proposed Tuesday by Quebec's justice minister. "This is a very important moment in ...
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Former Liberal mandarin Tom Kent dies
Montreal Gazette
Tom Kent, former Liberal Party mandarin and one of the key figures in 1960s Canadian public policy, has died. He was 89. Kent had a long and varied career in journalism and public life but is best known to most Canadians for his work in federal policy ...
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Liberals join forces to ward off threat of Islamic state
Cairo: Inside a mosque in the populous eastern Cairo area of Al Matariya, a Muslim preacher recently told his audience: "Beware of the so-called liberalism and secularism and their advocates. They are against the Sharia [Islamic law]. ...
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Liberals reject opposition plan to cut HST from heating bills
Toronto Star
By Tanya Talaga Queen's Park Bureau Tim Hudak and Andrea Horwath are turning up the heat on the minority Liberal government by threatening to use their majority in the Legislature to remove the HST from home gas and oil bills. ...
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Interim Liberal Leader Bob Rae (L) and Quebec MP Marc Garneau
National Post (blog)
So when the senior Liberal on that committee starts spouting off about how the government should be ashamed of itself for proposing to add new MPs during a time of budgetary constraint and how we should be moving seats around among provinces rather ...
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Could Liberals Scuttle Super Committee Deal?
U.S. News & World Report
By Alex M. Parker As the debt-cutting "super committee" on Capitol Hill heads towards its Thanksgiving deadline with no firm proposal yet, some progressive and liberal Democrats are amping up their rhetoric, worried that their side may be willing to ...
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Liberal group wants supercommittee to fail
The Hill
By Mike Lillis - 11/16/11 01:47 PM ET Even as a growing chorus of Democrats is urging the supercommittee to "go big" on a deficit reduction deal, a prominent liberal group is warning that the panel's success would be the country's failure. ...
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By-election? What by-election? - Liberal MP Irwin Cotler launches complaint ... (blog)
By Kady O'Malley Longtime Liberal MP Irwin Cotler is crying foul over what he claims are misleading calls being made to his Montreal constituents about a "pending by-election" for the seat that he currently holds, and says he has no intention of ...
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How Conservatives And Liberals Are Trying To Stack The Deck Ahead Of The ...
Business Insider
And liberals are suggesting that Clarence Thomas excuse himself from the case. Conservatives are pointing to an e-mail Elena Kagan sent to Harvard Law Prof. Laurence Tribe about the health-care reform while she was soliciter general in the Obama ...
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Business Insider

Blogs3 new results for Liberals
Do Egypt's Liberals Stand a Chance? - By Evan Hill | Foreign Policy
Do Egypt's Liberals Stand a Chance? Two weeks before Egypt's first post-revolution elections, the Muslim Brotherhood and the remnants of the former ruling party look poised for a massive victory. ...
Foreign Policy
Hudson Institute > Among Libya's Liberals
By Ann Marlowe
Zwara, Libya--"You are talking about a backwards country, not France or the United States." Abu Bakr Tallue may sound harsh to admirers of Libya's exuberant, telegenic revolution. The revolutionaries were adept at getting their message ...
Hudson Institute
By Ruth King
JAMES LEWIS: LIBERALS, ISRAEL AND DISASTER. By Ruth King on November 16th, 2011. Liberals start from false premises. False premises always lead to false ...

Web1 new result for Liberals
Egypt's Islamists reach out to liberals as elections near | McClatchy
Shadi Taha, clean-shaven, in a black suit and spit-shined shoes, drew curious stares one recent evening as he sat among local men at a rundown cafe in this ...

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