Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
US Brings Diplomacy to Politics Of Energy
Wall Street Journal
By KEITH JOHNSON WASHINGTON—The State Department is creating a bureau to focus exclusively on energy, a sign of the growing importance of energy issues to US foreign policy and national security. The new Bureau of Energy Resources, which opens shop ...
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Energy Secretary to Defend Solyndra Loan to Congress
New York Times
By MATTHEW L. WALD WASHINGTON — An unrepentant energy secretary will square off on Thursday with a Republican-led committee that has spent months arguing that his department showed political favoritism and incompetence when it approved a $535 million ...
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New York Times
Obama Heralds Shift in US Policy Toward Pacific
ABC News (blog)
In a sweeping address before the Australian parliament, President Obama heralded his administration's "deliberate and strategic decision" to recalibrate US foreign policy in the Pacific, anchoring its new approach in the "unbreakable" 60-year alliance ...
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47 Pct. of US lawmakers are millionaires, report says
Fox News
Washington – Nearly half of the 535 members of the US Congress have a net worth greater than $1 million, the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics says in a new study. The CPR's estimates are derived from median values for assets and liabilities ...
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Occupiers' view: We're already changing politics
USA Today
In this way, Occupy Wall Street has challenged us to express our views and organize politically outside officially sanctioned forums. It has given people a means to engage directly in decision-making in a way that our broken political system has long ...
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USA Today
Perry Ad Distorts Obama 'Lazy' Comment
ABC News (blog)
Obama replied that "we've been a little bit lazy" about actively trying to attract private foreign investors to US soil — referring broadly to American government and business sectors, not the American people themselves. "I think it's important to ...
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Golfing presidents: Putting for politics
CNN International
(CNN) -- Politics has long mixed with golf -- from the early 20th century, when William Taft became the first US president to openly admit his love for the game, to modern-day leaders such as Barack Obama and George W. Bush. One of their colleagues, ...
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Why Dylan Ratigan's "Get Money Out" Campaign Gets it Right
Huffington Post
But it did not create the system of legalized bribery in American politics. It will take an overwhelming effort to amend the Constitution to end the system of legalized bribery. The effort isn't worth it if it just restores the system that existed two ...
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Veggie Politics: How Budget Cuts Can Make Pizza A Vegetable
ABC News (blog)
"It's a little bizarre for us that in trying to improve nutrition, you take items from school cafeterias that do provide vital sources of vitamins and nutrients." ap gty school lunches fries veggies nt 111116 wblog Veggie Politics : How Budget Cuts ...
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ABC News (blog)
America's Endless Budget Drama
Fox Business
Now the President is boxed in by past actions to defend a policy that adds additional subsidies to a broken system and increases health-care prices and the deficit. The Republican approaches — replacing federal Medicaid with block grants to the states ...
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Blogs2 new results for U.S. Politics
U.S.-Australia Alliance and China - Council on Foreign Relations
By Council on Foreign Relations
The agreement also includes increased access to Australian bases for U.S. aircraft and ships, and more joint exercises and training. The move is a reflection of a gradual shift in U.S. foreign policy to increase involvement in the Asia-Pacific, ... - U.S. Strategy and Politics
What the Occupy Movement and PSU Tell Us About Morality Now ...
Who's accountable and can we recognize the faults in ourselves?
Splice Today

Web2 new results for U.S. Politics
Pipeline politics hurt U.S. jobs | ExxonMobil's Perspectives Blog
Pipeline politics hurt U.S. jobs. November 11, 2011 | Posted by Ken Cohen. Washington, D.C., has once again decided to put the short-term jobs of politicians ...
Religion is important in U.S. Politics
Religion is important in U.S. Politics · Print; Email. Details: Published on Saturday , 12 November 2011 06:36: Written by John Draper: Hits: 91. In all western ...

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