Saturday, November 19, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
Right-wing press demands liberal media repeat "Occupy shooter" smear
By Alex Pareene Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez tried to kill President Barack Obama, by firing a gun at the White House, and one would think that that combination of "hating Obama" and "using a gun" would make using him to smear liberals a bit of a ...
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Cohn: Ontario's three-way power play heats up
Toronto Star
The Liberals have laid the groundwork with their commission on reform of public services, headed by economist Don Drummond, which issues a public report in January and goes to a legislative committee for hearings. So why is Hudak in such a hurry to ...
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Liberals go for Labor jugular with ads
Herald Sun
Targeting Labor's alliance with the Greens, the coup against Mr Rudd, the Budget deficit, the pink batts fiasco and waste in the school-building program, the new Liberal ads are billed as "Four Years of Labor disasters". It features black-and-white ...
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Liberal's largest employer always 'gives back'
Liberal Southwest Daily Times
National Beef has been a part of the City of Liberal in some capacity or another since 1969. Currently, the plant employs 3000 people from Liberal and the surrounding area. L&T photo/Jessica Crawford By JESSICA CRAWFORD Those not familiar with Liberal ...
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Nude Egyptian blogger causes political stir
Instead Elmahdy has triggered a wave of outrage here, stoking conservative Islamist sentiments that many liberals fear will undermine their prospects in the country's parliamentary election next week. It is hard to overstate the shock at an Egyptian ...
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Glacial pace of Liberals' response stymies audit of insiders' legal bills
Vancouver Sun
The BC Liberals, far from making every effort to cooperate, had been grudging in their response to repeated requests from Auditor-General John Doyle and his staff. Take the example of a briefing note, prepared in November of last year for deputy ...
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Stéphane Dion's not-so-crazy idea
National Post
But while the Constitution since then has stipulated that Quebec's contingent must be used as the baseline for determining the number of seats in the rest of the provinces, according to the Liberals, the 75-seat requirement is not a hard-and-fast ...
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Mayor talks issues with local Liberal MPPs
Ottawa Citizen
By Neco Cockburn and Lee Greenberg, The Ottawa Citizen November 19, 2011 Pledging to work together during their time in office, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson met Friday morning with Ottawa-area Liberal MPPs. Watson said the officials discussed transit and ...
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Biden's Hush-Hush Donor Address
Fox News
AP By Kenneth P. Vogel, Politico Vice President Joe Biden spoke at a secretive conference attended by about 150 rich liberals deciding how to divvy up their cash in the run-up to the 2012 election. A variety of liberal groups pitched the donors ...
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Fox News

Blogs2 new results for Liberals
Muslim Brotherhood and Liberals Confront Military Rule in Egypt ...
By Juan
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafi fundamentalists took the lead on the rallies, especially in Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo. But some liberal, leftist and youth organizations also joined in the demonstrations. Euronews reports ...
Informed Comment
Joe. My. God.: GOProud: Liberals Get Out
By Joe
Joe. My. God. JMG: Blog Year Eight Gay culture, short stories, politics, and fabulous disco trivia. Follow JMG on Twitter! Facebook page. RSS Feed. Previous Posts. A Tweet About Today's Debate · LIVE VIDEO: Iowa ...
Joe. My. God.

Web1 new result for Liberals
Liberals asked for this... | The Black Sphere
The Occupy movement reminds me of why it's totally unnecessary to bathe a dog. The first opportunity the dog gets, it's just going to go outside to roll around in ...

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