Saturday, November 19, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
'America is better than this': paralysis at the top leaves voters desperate ...
The Guardian
The gaffes have compounded a growing perception that US politics has become dangerously dysfunctional. A flood of outside money, the corrupting influence of lobbyists and the endless shouting of TV news pundits has turned many people off the whole ...
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The Guardian
You are here: US Politics & Economics Game Changer? JW Releases New Kagan ...
Right Side News
According to The Associated Press: The Supreme Court said Monday it will hear arguments next March over President Barack Obama's health care overhaul — a case that could shake the political landscape as voters are deciding if Obama deserves another ...
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American Way: Newt Gingrich and the second coming of Barack Obama (blog)
By Toby Harnden US politics Last updated: November 19th, 2011 Are Americans ready to subject themselves to another four years of a professor-in- chief? Could they endure an author in the Oval Office who pronounces himself more brilliant than any ...
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Emboldened by Obama, Myanmar maps out
Coming changes, he said, will directly address Obama's concerns, including improving treatment of ethnic minorities and releasing remaining political prisoners. Diplomats say those conditions must be met for the United States and the European Union to ...
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US, China face off over sea dispute
Economic Times
The White House said that Obama and Wen also discussed long-festering economic issues, such as China's currency policy. US lawmakers have long argued Beijing keeps the value of the yuan down to help drive the country's exports engine, a stance they say ...
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Yingluck backs US initiatives
The Nation
Beside bilateral affairs, Yingluck and Obama discussed political devel?opments in neighbouring Burma, as the US wants to see Thailand played the role of a coordinator to help Burma carry out reforms towards democracy and national reconciliation. ...
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The Nation
Burman: US Congress stumbles from failure to failure
Toronto Star
After decades of covering US politics as a Canadian journalist, it took living in the far-off deserts of the Gulf to restore my faith in the boundless American capacity to renew itself. I was with Al Jazeera English in Qatar during that remarkable ...
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Deficit Panel Facing Political, Fiscal Consequences Without Budget Deal
Fox News
But some have warned that any of these shortcuts could further imperil the United States' credit rating, or at least severely rattle the financial markets, as it would revive doubts about the ability of America's political leaders to address what is ...
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Fox News
Ron Paul Says US Troops in Australia Is 'Mischief'
ABC News (blog)
It saves American lives, it puts more focus on OUR boarders making us more safe, and it is dirt cheap compared to what we are bankrupting our country with now. on Paul's Foreign Policy is mislabeled as isolationist because he has so little media ...
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ABC News (blog)
2012 candidates focus on social issues at Iowa forum run by evangelical group ...
Chicago Tribune
... a political edge with potent Iowa conservatives. But some of the discussion turned uncharacteristically personal, with the would-be presidents tearfully revealing formative chapters that shaped their faith. Former US House Speaker Newt Gingrich, ...
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Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
Solyndra and What's Next For U.S. Energy Policy | The Diane Rehm ...
Solyndra and What's Next For U.S. Energy Policy. Energy Secretary Steven Chu is facing tough questions on capital hill over the Obama administrations support ...

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