Sunday, November 27, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
Federal Liberals gain on NDP, Conservatives, poll finds
Globe and Mail
The federal Liberals have picked up support from both parties and are now in a dead heat with the NDP, a new poll shows, as concern over the economy returns to the fore for Canadians. The Nanos Research Poll, conducted for The Globe and Mail and CTV, ...
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Globe and Mail
Op-Ed: Is Bob Rae the Liberals next Keith Davey?
Ottawa - Interim Liberal leader Bob Rae is in a unique position to radically shake up the stale politics of the Liberal Party of Canada. He would do well to take a page out of the legendary Liberal kingmaker Keith Davey's playbook for inspiration. ...
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New Brunswick Liberals to choose leader in October 2012
MetroNews Canada
FREDERICTON - The president of the New Brunswick Liberal Party says the 11-month wait to vote on a new party leader is needed to develop the rules of the leadership convention. The Grits will vote on a new leader in October 2012, party executives ...
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Column: Critics question Trasolini's motives
The Province
And, oh, how the Liberals hate it! Trasolini was one of their tri-city guys for years. He was particularly pally with another local Lib by the name of Christy Clark. Trasolini co-chaired Clark's 1996 election campaign in Port Moody. ...
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Abbott tries to deflect Slipper finger-pointing
Sydney Morning Herald
Labor has struck back at recent attacks by the opposition that Mr Slipper, who quit the Liberals and replaced Harry Jenkins as Speaker, was a compromised character. There are questions concerning Mr Slipper's personal behaviour and his use of ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Obama is a liberal who has been mugged by reality — at least on foreign policy
Daily Caller
By Christopher Bedford Neoconservatives, the old saying goes, are liberals who have been mugged by reality. Though it is doubtful that President Barack Obama will ever quite fit that description, there are signs that his foreign policy views have ...
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Throw out the liberals
The Star Democrat
There's been a spate of letters recently from the gang of local liberals. The content of these letters is astounding. They give a new, deeper dimension to political hatred. The letters are also very similar. It is obvious the writers are working from a ...
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Tories win right to appeal Working Families decision
Toronto Star
An Ontario court has granted the Tories leave to appeal a May 18 ruling that rejected their claim the group Working Families was formally linked to Premier Dalton McGuinty's governing Liberals. Working Families spent $2 million on a blitz of TV and web ...
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In the Spirit: Can a Catholic also be a liberal?
Wisconsin State Journal
Boston College philosophy professor Peter Kreeft was asked whether "a Catholic can be a liberal." To certain Catholics, Peter Kreeft is a rock star. That was evident Nov. 18, when nearly 500 people filled an auditorium at the Bishop O'Connor Center in ...
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Blogs2 new results for Liberals
Is Bob Rae the Liberals next Keith Davey? « the reeves report
By awreeves
Davey, the "patron saint" of the modern Liberal Party as Newman writes it, transformed the Grits as the national campaign director of the Liberal Party for Pearson, Trudeau, and Turner, supplying the "enthusiasm that kept the political machine ...
the reeves report
A plain blog about politics: Sunday Question for Liberals
By Jonathan Bernstein
John said... A certain percentage of all loans go bust. The overwhelming factor in this case was the sharp decrease in price of solar in large part due to foreign companies. It's entirely possible there's malfeasance on someone's case, but that ...
A plain blog about politics

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