Sunday, November 27, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
For Obscure Iranian Exile Group, Broad Support in US
New York Times
Ali Safavi, who runs a pro-MEK group in Washington called Near East Policy Research, says the money comes from wealthy Iranian expatriates in the United States and Europe. Because "material support" to a designated terrorist group is a crime, ...
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US politics feeds on assassination
Press TV
A senior military commander says the calls for assassinating top Iranian officials by US politicians show that they are supporters of global terrorism. Deputy Commander of the Islamic Republic Guard Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami told ...
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Press TV
Conservative empire built from Wisconsin foundation
The Seattle Times
The Bradley Foundation provides a cornerstone for the US conservative movement, financially supporting public-policy experiments that started in Wisconsin and spread across the nation. Yet, outside conservative circles, the foundation has kept a low ...
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Newt Gingrich wins key endorsement in New Hampshire
USA Today
The editorial, which ran on the paper's front page Sunday, attributed the decision to endorse Gingrich to his record as speaker of the House and demonstrated ability to work across the political aisle despite ideological differences. ...
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USA Today
The collision of climate science and politics, part 2 – lecture at American ...
Climate Science Watch
It's gone completely into the political system, it's for some people become part of the culture war. It gets swept up into the whole battle in American politics about what kind of government do we want to have, what is the philosophy of government and ...
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Seeking Sympathetic Cases to Test Obama's Deportation Policy
Fox News
It's difficult to draw conclusions from the Chicago cases; there have only been a handful and experts say the policy is playing out differently nationwide. But those with strong US ties, like citizen children, or those facing illness appear to be among ...
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Few heed the call for a moderates' rebellion
The Seattle Times
Despite Americans' disgust with Democrats and Republicans putting party-building ahead of actual governing, Americans Elect, an Internet-based push for a third party in US politics, is failing to catch fire in Washington state. ...
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Rice makes plea for education in America
CBS News
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says she's concerned about the economy, the deficit, and the "jaded" nature of American politics - but she says the country's "biggest single problem" is with the public school system. ...
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Don Walton: It's not all about Iowa
Lincoln Journal Star
And sometime after that, he'll let us know. If it's yes, we've got a premier Senate race on our hands, one that will bring big bucks into the state on both sides, blanket your TV screen with 30-second ads from political partisans and anonymous special ...
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Politics 2012: Caucus, primary season nigh
So the earlier the nomination process starts, the worse it is for America's political system." Schier says he expects the Republican field to narrow a bit by February. "At this point, it's likely that Romney and Gingrich will survive as durable ...
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Blogs2 new results for U.S. Politics
Zakaria: U.S. problems are not economic, but political – Global ...
By Amar C. Bakshi
By Fareed Zakaria, CNN This time of year, Americans are meant to be thankful. However, no one is feeling particularly grateful because we're in a deep funk. The United States seems to have stopped working. Discussion of dysfunction and ...
Global Public Square
Can Democrats Save Their North Dakota U.S. Senate Seat in 2012 ...
By Eric Ostermeier
A Smart Politics review of North Dakota electoral history finds that Heitkamp is seeking to become only the second attorney general in the state's history to both appear on a U.S. Senate general election ballot as well as win a Senate seat. ...
Smart Politics

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
Wilson School's Kurtzer, Politics Professor Jamal Discuss U.S. Role ...
Wilson School professor Daniel Kurtzer, former U.S. ambassador to Israel and Egypt, and politics professor Amaney Jamal discussed the reasons the United ...

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