Friday, November 4, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
HORNUNG: A progressive, vital Nayak
Yale Daily News
As a progressive, I fully support unions and the important role they play in protecting the interests of workers who deserve fair wages and respect from their city. But as many new faces begin terms on the Board, Yale students should strive for a New ...
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Progressivism on tap with Dean Baker and Jared Bernstein
Center For American Progress
Dean Baker argues in his new book, The End of Loser Liberalism: Making Markets Progressive, that progressives need a fundamentally new approach to politics. They have accepted the notion that conservatives want market outcomes whereas liberals want the ...
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A progressive dialogue: The renewal of the statist Left? The contradictions of ...
By Thomas Ponniah Over the past generation, progressives have witnessed the fall of the Soviet Union and the decline of neoliberalism. As in all periods of collapse, the smoke and fury of the falling debris has, to some degree, concealed the ...
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Notable & Quotable
Wall Street Journal
If progressives were interested in mitigating inequality, they would support the dynamism of free markets to allow the merit of ideas, products and services to win the day rather than stifle companies and pick winners in the name of imagined "progress. ...
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Research Roundup: Corporate Tax Dodgers, Economic Realities for Young Adults ...
Progressive States Network (blog)
It urges progressives to focus on the middle class, and underscore what is wrong with the economy today: that those who did the right thing: are suffering the consequences while those who did not do the right thing continue to reap rewards. ...
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The Cost of Tribalism
Mother Jones
And this is why I have a hard time seeing eye to eye with some progressives. Progressives are sincerely inclined to impersonal, socio-cultural explanations of success and failure, but I think they're also generally of the opinion that an ethos of ...
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Mother Jones
Wisconsin begins the Walker Recall
Salon (blog)
By the end of the summer, 5 of the 9 recall elections in WI went in favor of Democrats, or Progressives. You see in Wisconsin - Progressives, protestors, and Democrats are one in the same. (Wake up national Democratic Party. ...
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Rich Sherlock: Tax system shouldn't strong-arm citizens
The Bozeman Daily Chronicle
These governo-centric "progressives" only concern themselves with what's good for government, so the only impact considered seems to be the impact on government. "Impact" is a noble, fine-sounding excuse for a political agenda. Impact fees are intended ...
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The Right Wing's Insurrectionist Mindset
Media Matters for America
Perhaps one day stronger action will be required if Progressives continue to trample on our liberties in their blind quest for power. But that time is not now. [Confederate Yankee, 4/24/2010] Bob Owens: "I Pray For Peace. But I Prepare For War. ...
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Blogs1 new result for Progressives
Unity Is Strength for Progressives | MyFDL
By Amy B. Dean
Business and liberal elites have long invested in developing collaborative leadership. In Occupy Wall Street and beyond, grassroots progressives are now getting into the game of working together. Something huge is happening in this country. ...
amybdean's FDL blog

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