Saturday, November 19, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News7 new results for Progressives
Progressive tactics for a fairer Parliament
New Zealand Herald
Any progressive who doesn't vote for Goldsmith is helping create a more right-wing National government because they will allow Don Brash and Banks into Key's government. If Banks wins by less than the electorate votes given to Labour's David Parker, ...
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What Is a Progressive
Town Hall
These days, those on the left are more likely to call themselves "progressives." Writing in The New York Times, Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs said there have been two progressive eras — one in the early 20th century and the second under ...
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Secretary Chu Reaffirms Argument Against Affirmative Action
Canada Free Press
Progressives who worship at the altar of diversity were thrilled when Barack Obama rejected the notion of using background, experience, education, intelligence, and competence as measuring sticks for filling key posts in his administration. ...
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Recall rile-up over use of Rec Center
Reedsburg Times Press
The volunteers are coordinated by Reedsburg Area Progressives and Reedsburg Area Concerned Citizens and supported by United Wisconsin and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. The groups received permission at a Parks and Recreation Committee meeting ...
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SCOTUS Healthcare Review is Bush v. Gore Redux
Progressives that have been stewing since the "stolen election" of 2000 may finally get to see the Supreme Court tilt a presidential election their way in 2012. Irony comes in the strangest ways and at the strangest times. Word came down earlier this ...
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Sound off! (Nov. 19)
Las Cruces Sun-News
I hope the progressives controlling our city government continue to show discipline and not be tempted to go on an out-of-control spending spree that their successors will have to fix. We've had enough of that from politicians. ...
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Farewell To Our Friends And Colleagues Matt Yglesias And Lee Fang
He frequently called for greater accountability of the Fed and implored progressives to focus more attention on monetary issues. He will now take that cause and his wealth of knowledge on the issue to Slate, where he will have both a regular column on ...
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Web3 new results for Progressives
RealClearPolitics - Progressives on the March
Progressives are on the move once more. Wisconsin lit the spark, as workers, students, teachers and farmers occupied the state's capitol in February and ...
Progressives Put Bureaucracy Before People - Civitas Review Online
In today's column at the Freeman, Sheldon Richman reveals the true mindset behind the ignorant progressive mantra of "putting people before profits.
Progressives taking freedoms one bite at a time | ViewsHound
Little by little the Progressives are infringing on our personal freedoms. This is just the latest example of how they do it, one step at a time.

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