Sunday, November 6, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News9 new results for U.S. Politics
COMMENT: US politicians and Pakistani politicians —Dr Syed Mansoor Hussain
Pakistan Daily Times
And both of them would, if needed, change their political stance to increase their chance of political success One of the fun things I do every four years or so when the US primary campaign is in full swing is to compare US politicians with those in ...
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Will There Be a President Like Ike on the Horizon?
New York Times
Herman Cain, whose shooting star — he has been running first in many Republican preference polls — may be tumbling after multiple reports of sexual harassment, is the latest avatar of a recurring phenomenon in US politics: the usually short-term ...
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Greece's local politics have global economic impact
San Francisco Chronicle
Recession and continued financial turmoil in Europe could derail the fragile US economic recovery and create a huge political headache for President Obama in an election year. Europe's crisis offers other lessons as well. The United States isn't in ...
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Obama economic policies win respect in Europe
Tucson Citizen
Time will tell whether Obama's visit to the rainy Riviera helped the European debt crisis, the US economy or his re-election chances a year from now. But for 36 hours, at least, he was able to feel better about his policies, if not politics. ...
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Why Are Obviously Weak Candidates So Beloved by the American Public?
Jakarta Globe
Experts here regard this 'Herman Cain phenomenon' as a unique product of the times - one made possible not just by voters' widespread anger with the ruling elite and a rightward turn in American politics, but also by a new media landscape that has ...
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Protesters circle White House in oil pipeline row
Obama faces political pitfalls whether his administration approves or rejects the project. A decision in favor would support Obama's goal of creating jobs and diversifying US energy sources, but it would alienate core Democratic supporters who are ...
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Iraq Factions Spar Over Security Force
Wall Street Journal
Mr. Kamal, the deputy interior minister, described the order as a routine administrative matter that had nothing to do with the US departure or Iraqi politics. But the timing hasn't been lost on the Sunni officers. "This order was issued after the US ...
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Wall Street Journal
Religion's proper entry into political discussion
San Francisco Chronicle
Separation of religion and politics is something else altogether. Religion and politics flow back and forth in American civil society all the time - always have, always will." That is entirely true. It's also not as simple as it sounds. ...
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'This Week' Transcript: Speaker John Boehner
ABC News
In our special Sunday feature now, our man, Jon Karl, takes us through this long, strange week in politics. KARL (voice-over): And there's Herman Cain, still looking like he's having the time of his life, still on top of the polls, and this at the end ...
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ABC News

Blogs2 new results for U.S. Politics
EA WorldView - Home - US Politics Feature: Those Wacky ...
By John Matlin
US Politics Feature: Those Wacky Presidential Challengers --- From 2012 Back to 1936. Date Sunday, November 6, 2011 at 7:08 | Author John Matlin in Category EA USA, Category US Politics. My thanks to the Republican challengers for the ...
EA WorldView
U.S. Policy and Democratic Transitions in the Mideast ...
By Max Boot
Once upon a time, in what seems to be a different world, the U.S. actually engaged in political warfare. Whether it was in the 1950s, when the CIA supported Christian Democratic parties in Europe, or in the 1980s, when the CIA helped to ...
Commentary Magazine

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