Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
Conservative Wins Make Liberal Egyptians Wary
That's given some liberal Egyptians and observers pause. Ed Husain, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, talks about Egypt's Islamist parties. Roughly one-third of Egyptians voted in that country's first round of parliamentary elections, ...
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Liberals Our Affair With Jon Huntsman Is Over
Huffington Post (blog)
Liberals, the love affair with former Governor Jon Huntsman is finally over. Kaput once and for all after he showed his true colors yesterday during a speech debunking global warming at the Heritage Foundation. Many liberals were willing to overlook ...
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Halton MPP rips Liberals over AG's report
But with Auditor-General Jim McCarter's report blasting everything from the Liberal government's green energy policies to auto insurance premium gouging, the veteran Progressive Conservative politician couldn't resist a few shots of his own Tuesday. ...
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Study shows partisan divide in TV-watching habits
CBS News
Conventional wisdom would have you believe that viewers of Comedy Central's "Daily Show with Jon Stewart" are almost all liberals. Now, a new study shows that there may be something to that. According to a survey prepared for Entertainment Weekly by ...
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Ontario Liberals survive first confidence vote
The governing Liberals survived their first confidence test in the legislature Wednesday as a crucial vote on their throne speech passed 69 to 37. The Progressive Conservatives voted against the Nov. 22 speech -- which laid out the government's ...
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South Australia Liberal Party reshuffles shadow cabinet
The Australian
South Australian Liberal leader Isobel Redmond has today announced a long-awaited shadow cabinet reshuffle. Picture: Calum Robertson Source: The Advertiser SOUTH Australian Liberal leader Isobel Redmond has today announced a long-awaited shadow cabinet ...
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"The Most Liberal Administration in History," Not
by David Bier on December 7, 2011 · 0 comments Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour has called the Obama administration "far and away the most liberal administration that we've ever had in the White House." Other conservatives and Republicans feel the ...
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Hepburn: News of Liberal party's death is premature
Toronto Star
By Bob Hepburn Editorial Page She was the last person to come to the microphone, but the woman who had waited all evening to ask her question managed to capture the despair — and the hope — of the Liberal party. In a calm voice before 500 people ...
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Self-righteous liberals
Kansas City Star (blog)
This is typical of liberals — everything must be done the liberal way. To liberals "compromise" is when conservatives completely give in and do it the liberal way. Liberals never think of giving on some of their points because they consider themselves ...
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Blogs5 new results for Liberals
Survey Shocker: Conservatives, Liberals Enjoy Different TV Shows ...
By David Taintor
Conservatives and liberals may disagree on politics and policy, but at the end of the day, we all like to kick back to the same TV shows, right?…
African-American Liberals Know How to Love Their President « The ...
By Keith Humphreys
Liberals are dissatisfied with Obama because liberals, on the whole, are incapable of feeling satisfied with a Democratic president. They can be happy with the idea of a Democratic president—indeed, dancing-in-the-streets delirious—but not ...
The Reality-Based Community
TV shows liberals hate « Don Surber
By Don Surber
TV shows liberals hate. December 7, 2011 by Don Surber. Entertainment Weekly's James Hibberd reviewed a report to EW (guys, get better initials) on the viewing habits of Democrats and Republicans. Every show the Republicans dislike is, ...
Don Surber
Ann Coulter Says Liberals Will Start Aborting Babies Once the Gay ...
By Andy Towle
Conservative pundit Ann Coulter and alleged GOP-bashing victim Taylor Garrett discuss why they think gays should be pro-life Republicans in a preview clip from Coulter's appearance on LOGO's A-List Dallas. Says Coulter:
Towleroad News #gay
How Liberals Enable Big Corporations, Ctd - The Dish | By Andrew ...
By Andrew Sullivan
How Liberals Enable Big Corporations, Ctd. A reader quotes Jason Brennan: When you create complicated tax codes, complicated regulatory regimes, and complicated licensing rules, these regulations naturally select for larger and larger ...
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

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