Thursday, March 8, 2012

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News10 new results for "Family Research Council"
Family Research Council's Perkins: Gingrich Could Be Kingmaker
By Newsmax Wires Family Research Council President Tony Perkins says Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich could claim a major role in the outcome of the race if he stepped aside. Perkins' suggestion comes as some Republicans say a Gingrich ...
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MSNBC rejects ad criticizing Family Research Council
Florida Independent
By Marcos Restrepo | 03.08.12 | 9:17 am MSNBC on Tuesday rejected an ad critical of Tony Perkins, president of the conservative Family Research Council and a frequent guest on the network, according to the group that produced the ad.
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MSNBC rejects ad exposing hate group leader's anti-gay record
LGBTQ Nation
Amid a growing outcry from progressive Christian leaders to take Family Research Council President Tony Perkins off the air, MSNBC has rejected an ad exposing his and FRC's extensive record of hate speech against gay and lesbian Americans.
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MSNBC Rejects Anti-Perkins Ad
By Trudy Ring Pro-LGBT faith activists are angry with cable network MSNBC for refusing an ad denouncing the antigay views of frequent guest Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. Faithful America has been lobbying to get Perkins off ...
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Conservative groups target Christian voters in NC
Asheville Citizen-Times
The Values Bus tour of the Family Research Council Action PAC and the Heritage Foundation visited Mud Creek Baptist Church here on Wednesday, where leaders talked with Pastor Greg Mathis and 11th District Republican congressional candidates Mark ...
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Another Minneapolis council member favors stadium referendum
The MFC is a state-level operation allied with the national religious right; for example, James Dobson's Family Research Council. Look at the names of Minnesota legislators, and how they are 'rated' for voters by the MFC ... (That's a very good score, ...
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"Family Values" Groups Launch Email Campaign Against BioWare
Escapist Magazine
In January, the president of the Family Research Council took to the airwaves to call the game out for its "homosexual activism." The Old Republic doesn't actually support gay and lesbian relationships yet, but BioWare promised last year that it would ...
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MSNBC won't air ad criticizing them for hosting anti-gay Tony Perkins
Death and Taxes
They will not be doing the same for Family Research Council president and regular guest Tony Perkins, a hideous homophobe who has called gay people "sinful," "vile" and equated us with terrorists. "[Terrorism is] a strike against the general populace ...
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The anti-hate ad MSNBC won't run
By Alvin McEwen, Alternet For the longest time, many of us have been raising hell over the fact that MSNBC hosts hate-group leader Tony Perkins (the Family Research Council) as authoritative voice without asking him about his organization's history of ...
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Debunking Kirk Cameron's Christianity
Washington Post (blog)
For example, Tony Perkins from the Family Research Council, a group designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, cited a survey by the Alliance Defense Fund. in his quest to prove the majority of Americans believed that "marriage should ...
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Web2 new results for "Family Research Council"
MSNBC Rejects Ad Critical Of Family Research Council's - Queerty
Queerty - Free of an agenda. Except that gay one - news, ...
PFOX-ExGays: This just in from Family Research Council
Left Not Growing, Still Inflicting Pains. Where is the tolerance? You won't find any on display with homosexual activists who are determined to attack and silence ...

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