Saturday, April 21, 2012

Google Alert - Progressives

News7 new results for Progressives
Alberta Party doing just fine, says Alberta Party
Globe and Mail
The election battle between Alberta's Wildrose Party and the Progressive Conservatives has marginalized other parties, leaving the Liberals and NDP battling for attention. The centrist upstart has struggled for any attention amid its fifth-party status ...
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Globe and Mail
Wildrose leader Danielle Smith – scary or shrewd?
Toronto Star
They are overwhelmingly supported by Harper's Conservative MPs here, while Redford and the Red Tories under her tent could be headed for extinction, a harsh lesson for what might be left of the progressives in the government caucus in Ottawa.
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Toronto Star
More of your letters on the election campaign
Edmonton Journal
With election day Monday and a large number of voters undecided, anyone with progressive views about health care, education, social programs and environmental protection should speak out. Neil Evans, Edmonton Better choices for change The alarming ...
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Congressional Candidate Norman Solomon on What Makes a Healthy Progressive ...
Independent, largely progressive online news sources provide a much deeper - and in a good sense, a more nuanced - view of the world. This is a split between a lockstep and more discerning analysis of what we can call the "warfare state.
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On one side, a war on women; on the other, a war on religion
Canton Repository
By Anonymous In the United States, traditionalists accuse progressives of fighting a "war on religion." Progressives accuse traditionalists of fighting a "war on women." Around the world, Muslim countries accuse the United States of fighting a "war on ...
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Two New Endorsements For Two New Progressives: Phynaus Wilson & Warwick Sabin
Blue Arkansas (blog)
This is a seat that can and should elect a bold progressive that will look after the needs of its constituents. Phynaus is the right guy for the job. A Vic Snyder protege (he worked in Snyder's office for six years), Phynaus is passionate about ...
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Blue Arkansas (blog)
Travis Rowley: Government Begets More Government
Fifty years of poverty programs, and progressives have yet to perfect the federal welfare structure? Or even tried to? Is that what we're to believe? Or is it more sensible to recognize the inherent limitations and inadequacies of a centralized ...
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