Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Texas progressives trying to amplify their message
Houston Chronicle (blog)
Ann Richards and on numerous state and national political and public affairs campaigns, will work with Moore, a bestselling author and Emmy-winning TV news correspondent, to help deliver what they say will be a hard-hitting progressive messages to ...
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Houston Chronicle (blog)
Obama's North Carolina Test
Wall Street Journal
By ALLYSIA FINLEY One of Democrats' biggest challenges this November will be turning out their progressive base without turning off moderates. Yesterday's election in North Carolina shows just how tough that will be. Progressive groups recently ramped ...
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Soros at Odds With Democratic Party
The Moderate Voice
Bill Burton, who runs Priorities USA Action, warned that "there is an ocean of half a billion dollars about to wash over President Obama and the things progressives really care about," from conservative groups. "We are buuilding an organization to ...
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The Moderate Voice
Serbia's Democrats, Socialists agree new alliance
Chicago Tribune
The alliance locks out the opposition Serbian Progressive Party, which narrowly won a parliamentary election on Sunday, but it will need the support of another junior partner to secure a majority in the 250-seat parliament. "They share our values," ...
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Gay Marriage Advocates to Scrambling President Obama: Go With Joe #rightthing
[UPDATED from earlier post] Cornered by his own Vice President's public support for same sex unions, pressured by progressive activists and stung by North Carolina's passage of an amendment banning the practice, President Obama today expressed his ...
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Deal reached to form new govt in Serbia
Herald Times Reporter
In this photo taken on Sunday, May 6, 2012, Tomislav Nikolic, the leader of the nationalist Serbian Progressive Party, speaks at a press conference in Belgrade, Serbia. Pro EU Democrats and Socialists reached an agreement Wednesday, May 9, 2012, ...
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Risser: Educational access key to young generation's growth
UW Badger Herald
He spent 12 years in the state Senate as a Progressive, when the Progressives were in charge. My grandfather, my mother's father, Ernest Warner, after whom Warner Park was named, authored the original civil service act in the state.
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Crisis: APGA chiefs dance naked
BY VINCENT UJUMADU THE crisis rocking the All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, has taken another dimension with two top members of the party, the national chairman, Chief Victor Umeh and a founding member of the party, Chief Sylvester Nwobu-Alor ...
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NC Amendment 1 Shows Conservatives Still Love Big Government
Amendment 1 proves that so-called conservatives today have become the big-government progressives they fear most. Progressivism itself has no particular policy preferences. Prominent progressives in first half of the 20th century were in favor of ...
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Blogs4 new results for Progressives
Coastal Progressives Update » News Lincoln County
By admin
Provided by Coastal Progressives, A member group of the Rural Organizing Project * Advancing democracy in rural Oregon. Announcements for May 9th. Rural Caucus and Strategy Session 2012 this weekend! Bringing together leaders in ...
News Lincoln County
Texas progressives trying to amplify their message | Texas Politics ...
By Gary Scharrer
Ann Richards and on numerous state and national political and public affairs campaigns, will work with Moore, a bestselling author and Emmy-winning TV news correspondent, to help deliver what they say will be a hard-hitting progressive ...
Texas Politics
THIS SATURDAY! The Michigan Summit: Largest gathering of ...
By Eclectablog
"The indispensable Michigan politics source" -Rachel Maddow.
Progressives Want Self-Defense to Be Illegal | Independent Sentinel
By Sara Noble
"The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose." – James Earl Jones. The Second Amendment is only one vote ...
Independent Sentinel

Web1 new result for Progressives
Progressives Must Take Back Courts | Free Speech TV
The White House summit reaffirms that progressives at all levels, and from all corners, are deeply committed to filling our nation's courtrooms with qualified ...

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