Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News9 new results for U.S. Politics
Europe's political testiness might not spread to the US, but its consequences ...
Washington Post
At the same time it has shifted Europe's political balance to the left and in favor of the type of economic growth policies that Obama has advocated both for Europe and for the United States. For Mitt Romney, the all-but-certain Republican presidential ...
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How Europe's Austerity Backlash Might Change US Politics
By Joshua Green on May 08, 2012 The US Congress is hardly a bastion of Europhiles—remember all that nonsense about "Freedom Fries"? When politicians here do cite the Continent, it tends to be in the form of a derogatory political attack, eg, ...
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Senator in a Primary Fight for His Political Life
New York Times
GREENWOOD, Ind. – Not long after the polls opened here, Richard G. Lugar, the six-term United States Senator, stood gamely Tuesday outside a restaurant-turned-polling-place, chatting up voters about the pleasant weather. Some residents seemed to be ...
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New York Times
Elizabeth Warren brushes off 'Trail of Tears' report
Boston Herald
Scott Brown to prove she never claimed her Native American heritage to further her career — dismissing the developments as "politics as usual." "I think what this is about is Scott Brown trying to change the subject," said Warren at a Brighton event ...
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Obama seeks to avoid political fate of European allies
By David Jackson, USA TODAY For months, President Obama and allies have worried that Europe's economic problems might infect the US economy. They also have to wonder if the US will follow a notable political trend: Leaders losing re-election bids.
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Many Pursuits, but Bipartisanship Isn't One of Them
New York Times
He is best known in political circles for trying — unsuccessfully — to block the auto bailout that saved thousands of jobs in Indiana, the state he seeks to represent in Congress. Should he prevail in November, Richard Earl Mourdock, who defeated ...
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Turmoil in Europe pushes stocks lower in US
North County Times
2 hours ago • AP Political uncertainty in debt-hobbled Europe spread to financial markets Tuesday and pushed stocks lower in Europe and the United States. The Dow Jones industrial average was down almost 200 points at its low point for the day before ...
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Veteran Republican US Senator Lugar defeated in Indiana
Toledo Blade
After the arrival of the conservative insurgent Tea Party movement on the US political scene, Lugar's long track record of bipartisanship and foreign policy expertise were out of fashion. His votes for Obama's Supreme Court appointees Sonia Sotomayor ...
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Toledo Blade
Israel's new political fix may support markets
Chicago Tribune
JERUSALEM/LONDON (Reuters) - Political stability and receding worries about an attack on Iran are likely to support Israel's markets after the country formed a unity government on Tuesday, but budget and regulatory reform could be a worry.
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
Same-sex marriage — U.S. equally divided: poll | Strange ...
By Joel Connelly
Same-sex marriage — U.S. equally divided: poll. ... Strange Bedfellows — Politics News. News about ... He has mercilessly baited anti-gay politicians, from religious-right presidential candidate Gary Bauer more than a decade ago to ex-Sen.
Strange Bedfellows -- Politics News

Web3 new results for U.S. Politics
The Daily Bell - Ron Paul: Energizer Bunny of US Politics for Good ...
Ron Paul Energizer Bunny Daily Bell Federal Reserve Central Banking Power Elite Troops Home Internet Reformation.
Republican Santorum endorses ex-rival Romney - US POLITICS ...
Former Republican US presidential candidate Rick Santorum (pictured) endorsed ex-rival Mitt Romney on Monday, in a bid to help the presumptive Republican ...
North Carolina votes on same-sex marriage – US politics live | World ...
North Carolina votes on a same-sex marriage ban while primaries take place in Indiana and ...

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