Monday, April 25, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Paul Ryan's Budget Becomes Bogeyman Uniting Progressives, Democrats
Huffington Post
WASHINGTON -- The Republican Party's endorsement of sharply conservative prescriptions to fix ailing state and federal budgets is threatening to reunite the progressive movement and heal its disillusionment with the Democratic Party. ...
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The House Progressive Budget
Washington Post (blog)
By Ezra Klein (Andrew Harrer - Bloomberg) Here's how Michael Pollan might describe the budget proposal released by the House Progressive Caucus: Uses taxes. Mostly on the rich. Perhaps too many. The legislation would let most of the Bush tax cuts ...
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The Progressive Accomplishments Of The 88th General Assembly
Blue Arkansas (blog)
Don't get me wrong, there were many better things that could have come out of this session and a lot of bad things that never should have gotten as far as they did, but three major progressive accomplishments made their way through the legislature ...
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Opposition leader's strike: Farce or honorable gesture
Considering that the leader of the Progressives failed to achieve this goal, it is unclear what the risky political move achieved at all. President of the League of Vojvodina Social-Democrats (LSV) Nenad Čanak was one of the first to denounce the ...
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Matt Damon Is Right
UK Progressive Magazine
by Brent Budowsky As President Obama returns to Hollywood in search of campaign dough from the "Hollywood progressives," it is a moment to praise Matt Damon who speaks with clarity and conviction about his disappointment with President Obama. ...
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Conservatives, Progressives and the future of representative democracy: what ...
Scholars and Rogues
Over the past few years I have tried to make as much sense as I could out of the American political landscape. By nature, I'ma theoretically minded thinker, and the point of these exercises has been to try and articulate the structures, shapes, ...
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Dear Liberals: It's Your Fed's Paper Money That's Thwarting Full Employment
Forbes (blog)
By RALPH BENKO Last week, the Roosevelt Institute took notice of a massing conservative attack on the Progressives' Achilles heel: the Fed's paper dollar system. The Roosevelt's Mike Konzcel wrote, "Conservatives are organizing against a full ...
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NDP surge is an opening for Canada's left (blog)
Many progressives are genuinely worried about vote splitting that could give Harper a majority. But I have not seen any credible, comprehensive analysis that shows the NDP surge by itself to result in a Conservative majority. ...
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Voters Rejecting Obama's Rightward Shift
Beyond Chron
by Randy Shaw‚ Apr. 25‚ 2011 The latest New York Times / CBS News poll confirms what progressives have long argued: President Obama's shift from an economic policy prioritizing public investment, increased domestic spending and Green jobs to one ...
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