Monday, October 10, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
Egypt generals ban using religious slogans in vote
By Tamim Elyan CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt's ruling military council has amended election rules to ban the use of religious slogans, a move the Muslim Brotherhood said Sunday may prompt it to reconsider using its traditional campaign phrase "Islam is the ...
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Libyan Islamist demands role for "moderate" Islam
By Barry Malone TRIPOLI (Reuters) - A prominent and influential Libyan Islamist cleric, returning to his native land after the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, has demanded a role for "moderate" Islam in politics. "We call for a moderate Islam," Ali ...
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Tunisia police thwart Salafist attack on TV station
The crowd targeted Nessma TV for airing "Persepolis" -- an award-winning animation film they say is offensive to Islam -- in the latest attack by conservative Muslims against signs of secularism in post-revolution Tunisia. "There was a first attempt to ...
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Tunisia's Islamists back moderate form of Sharia law
By Ipek Yezdani ISTANBUL — Tunisia's main Islamist party, eyeing gains in upcoming elections, supports a moderate form of Sharia law that would combine "democracy, which is a Western product, with Islam, which is our own heritage," the party's leader ...
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Islam and Peace Building in West Africa (1) Imperatives of knowledge, justice ...
But for his position as a foremost traditional ruler in Nigeria, Sultan Sa'ad Abubakar of Sokoto, mni, CFR, (he is the President-General, Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs [NSCIA]) could as well just pass for an intellectual – without ...
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Bashed cabbie calls for security screens
Sydney Morning Herald
Saiful Islam, 38, a father of two, spoke tearfully about being bashed for $200 when he dropped three teenage passengers off at Claymore, in Sydney's south-west, on Saturday morning. "If they stab, then I will die," Mr Islam told the Seven Network ...
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Bangladesh opposition holds anti-gov't caravan
The Associated Press
Khaleda Zia led more than 15000 of her supporters from her office in the capital, Dhaka, in central Bangladesh to Sylhet city, 120 miles (192 kilometers) to the northeast, according to Zia's spokesman, Fakhrul Islam. Zia was to address several roadside ...
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The West and its Inevitable Surrender to Islam (blog)
In the first, a Muslim-American woman has sued Southwest airlines alleging she was discriminated against as she was wearing an Islamic head covering. In the second, Ohio officials decided to remove all pork products from prison menus. ...
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Farrakhan in Philadelphia: 'Build a new nation' | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011 ...
Philadelphia Inquirer
By Nancy Phillips Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam came to the birthplace of America on Sunday and, to thunderous applause, urged thousands of his followers to work with him "to build a new nation." Speaking before an enthusiastic crowd ...
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No More Jobs
Huffington Post (blog)
We will be able to respond to the question, "No More Jobs?" with the answer "No! More Jobs!" Steve Jobs has already answered that question for himself and his business. We need to answer it now for us and our country. by Frank Islam, George Munoz, ...
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Blogs1 new result for Islam news
MACRA warns Capital FM, Radio Islam | Malawi news, Malawi ...
By Nyasa Times
The Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) has issued warnings to Capital FM Radio Limited and Radio Islam for airing programmes it said breached their Licence terms and conditions and section 52 (2) of the Communications Act. Macra said Capital ...
Malawi news, Malawi - NyasaTimes...

Web1 new result for Islam news
NYPD spied on city's Muslim anti-terror partners - Yahoo! News
Read 'NYPD spied on city's Muslim anti-terror partners' on Yahoo! News. Reda Shata considered himself a partner in New York's fight against terrorism.

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