Friday, October 14, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News8 new results for Progressives
Progressives, unions surf wave of Occupy protests in march against big banks ...
Minnesota Independent
By Jon Collins A host of progressive activists, Occupy Wall Streeters and union members rallied and marched from Peavey Plaza in downtown Minneapolis to the Wells Fargo building Friday. The march, which led to a sit-in protest outside the bank's ...
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We are the 99 Percent: A Progressive Narrative in One Powerful Phrase
Huffington Post (blog)
One of the most common criticisms of progressives is that, unlike the right, we don't have simple messages that tell our story. Our young leaders at Occupy Wall Street have come up with a powerful answer: We are the 99 percent. ...
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The prime minister and the G20 (blog)
Progressives are also calling for expansionary monetary policy in Europe -- where a recent hike in interest rates made the sovereign debt situation worse -- and also for more expansionary fiscal policy, perhaps at the pan-European level. ...
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The Labyrinth of Democracy: A Look at California's Progressive Reform 100 ...
KCET (blog)
by DJ Waldie In 1911 -- propelled by 60 years of rampant political corruption, environmental degradation, and crony capitalism -- Californians gave themselves the entire Progressive agenda: the referendum and recall, direct election of United States ...
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KCET (blog)
SNS leader on meeting with enlargement commissioner
"There is a way somewhere in there, the middle and the truth," the SNS leader stressed and added that the Progressives were not pleased to see Belgrade slowly losing in the negotiations with Priština and that people had to take defense of northern ...
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Lords of the dance
Lebanon Daily News
Collectively, liberals, or "progressives," as they prefer to be known, hold common political and social assumptions seldom challenged by their peers or public media. Conservatives have better arguments, because debate on the right is more rigorous. ...
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From Madison to Wall Street: The Movement Is Afoot
"We progressives have defaulted by not celebrating our own history, and grabbing our own history and saying, "No, this is not who we are as Americans.' Americans have always seen that cooperation and individual success go together. ...
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"End Regulation Now"
In response, an unlikely coalition of "progressives" rose-up to successfully contain the excesses of free-market capitalism, essentially saving the system from itself. Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, was its champion. Progressivism died with the ...
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