Saturday, October 15, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News3 new results for Progressives
Progressives wait as Kiss decides whether to seek third term
The Progressive Party's highest-elected Burlington official, Mayor Bob Kiss, shed little light on the party's political direction Friday, or on his own. Days of attempts to reach the mayor for comment about whether he plans to run for a third term in ...
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Quadrant's shocking expose on GetUp! – turns out they're the progressives they ...
Crikey (blog)
News has been linking this week to an expose on GetUp! published by Quadrant, written by a Young Liberal who was appalled to discover that, whilst independent of any particular political party, progressive advocacy organisation GetUp! consistently ...
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Game changer or just games?
Vancouver Sun
These days, Stills' lyrics have a new lease on life, as American progressives, and with them the global left, try to figure out whether the Occupy Wall Street movement is a flash in the pan or the next big thing. The occupation began on Saturday, Sept. ...
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